Hit The Snooze Bar - Jensoo

Read, Write, Breathe, Repeat.
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Jisoo’s voice, robust with warmth, low in tone, husky to her ears, fills Jennie’s dreams. The sound of her name spoken so softly, like the texture of rich velvet, echoes throughout Jennie’s mind over and over again, like a wishful string of silent prayers. 


Before Jisoo had spoken, Jennie had been immersed in a vast world filled with all kinds of fairytale creatures. While she was asleep in her bed, Jennie's mind soared like the winds of a bird against a strong current of wind. 


She was riding a stallion. A grand steed the color of a starless night sky, hooves clapping against the ground like thunder. Together, they rode gallantly through the fairytale realm. Jennie was on her way to fulfill a noble quest - saving a nameless princess in distress. 


However, the gentle way the older woman sighs out her name causes Jennie’s heart to skip a beat, even while she’s fast asleep. Her dream begins to fade away, slowly but surely. The vivid colors of the long green grass lapping up at her horse’s hooves drained away to a dull gray. 


The princess’s tower, her final destination, fades into the distant horizon. The glittering fairies weaving in and out of the thick woods surrounding her on either side began to disappear into thin air. Her surroundings take on the all too familiar whitening of waking. 


Jennie lies incredible still beneath her thick down comforter, eyes still closed, clinging to the remains of her fairytale themed fantasy. It had been months since she’d dreamt something so wonderful. With their hectic schedule, it was lucky if they slept more than a few hours. 


Jennie still needed to save her princess, a beautiful young woman with her shoulder length hair like waves of ink and her sparkling stars for eyes, and she wouldn’t let go that easily. Furiously, Jennie spurred her horse on, headed straight for the withering castle. 


Stuck in the odd sensation of being half awake and half asleep, she almost succumbs to the beckoning of slumber once more, as if she were floating in between the realm of slumber and reality. Jennie was more than willing to dip back into the current her dream was taking her. 


Until Jisoo reaches out and lays a hand over her, that is, shattering any semblance of serenity Jennie had felt so strongly before. At the older woman’s touch, Jennie’s eyelids threaten to fly open. Her nose scrunches instinctively. Her fingers begin twitching by her sides. 


“Jennie.” Her name comes a little more forcefully from Jisoo’s mouth. Despite this, her voice still manages to hold the same adoration and gentleness Jennie has come to love about waking up in the morning. Nothing is better than starting your day off with someone you love. 


Although Jennie’s characteristically grumpy when woken up early in the morning by the other girls, Jisoo has changed all of that. Now the older girl’s palm rests flat atop the layers of blankets and comforter, a faint but blissful pressure on Jennie’s stomach. 


With her hand splayed across the soft fabric, Jisoo presses down a little, shaking the younger girl ever so slightly. But Jennie’s eyes flick open only when the older girl’s fingernails graze against her scalp tantalizingly slow, tangling in the wild mane of her light brown hair. 


Eyes half lidded and glittering with dancing fairies and knights in shining armor, Jennie gazes up at the older woman with a tender smile that makes Jisoo’s heart melt.

“Oh, hi.” Her own voice is soft and riddled with sleep, lost somewhere in the dream world she had left behind. 


For a moment, Jennie pauses, stretching her sore limbs out. Jisoo retracts her touch, poised at the edge of Jennie’s mattress with her hands in her lap. As she stretches, Jennie realizes something vital to her dream. Jisoo looked like the princess she'd been so desperate to save. 


At the sound of Jennie’s stretching, Jisoo can’t resist the smile that breaks out across her face. Her heart shaped lips curl up around the edges, and Jennie watches, mesmerized, at how beautiful she is, at how she was the princess in her dreams. “It’s time to get up, Jennie.” 


Lazily, Jennie’s hand drags up from the covers and wraps around one of Jisoo’s wrists. The older woman is warm to the touch as Jennie curls her fingers over her skin. She wants Jisoo closer to her, to envelop

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 2: cute🤍
Chapter 16: Cuteeee!!!
Chapter 10: I've been wanting a WenJoy fic for so long so thank you for this.
279 streak #4
Chapter 1: ❤️❤️❤️
poplarbear #5
Chapter 10: help this is so cute
jungkies #6
Chapter 2: ugh really love this jensoo so cute uwu
Chapter 17: okay first of all, OUCH?!! and second, THAT REALLY HURT and third, THAT WAS GOOD!!
572 streak #8
Chapter 2: Domestic JenSoo is the sweetest
Chapter 20: woow, amazing!!!!!!!!!
thank u so much author!!!!!!
572 streak #10
Chapter 2: Cutest JenSoo forever ?