Bitter and Sweet


Almost every relationship starts with a friendship, some starts on bitter note, some sweet.

Well, for Baekhyun it was sweet and his friendship with her grew to be sweeter.

One wondered if it will remain or bitterness will start to touch every inch of their heart. One hoped not. One began hoping that one day, what’s sweeter will only become the sweetest.

But that’s the thing though, isn’t it? Love tends to cater all flavours. In saying that, would their story be no exception or will its sweetness somehow be always at the verge of bitterness? Or will the bitterness that sparked in her the first time diminish and get replaced by the flavour he himself felt the first time?

(as seen in tags)

Baekhyun X OC (idk if i’ll have a name for her yet but that’s like minor stuff)

university au - short fic

Romance(?) maybe? We’ll see as we go!

some fluff i think *grins*



Oh my, that description, is ew! What kind of an author does that make me when I can’t even write a proper description to my fics? Oh grr! -.- (Might change it altogether when I think of a better description or I manage to write something while writing and put that snippet on there)

Anywayyy, this is the Baekhyun fic I’ve been meaning to write and share with all of you. (One reader of mine who communicates with me would know). Actually the idea came to me when I read vanillasushi’s Girl Problems which featured Baekhyun as well (I’m sure many of you, if not all, have read it). But that beautiful and cutest fic ever is nothing like what I’m about to write. It just really made me imagine some universityau plot. Hahaha, so thanks, Cara! For unexpected kick of inspiration. (I doubt she’d even get this message though, Haha)

Also, having said that, please DO NOT compare my horrible writing to hers. Because it’s NOTHING close to her level, it's I’m a first year undergraduate student (if not a secondary student) and she’s like at a PhD level. Haha, jokes aside, we’re two different authors, that’s all and it would really be greatly appreciated if comparison won’t manifest in any way.

Along with this, I have a total of two ongoing fics, I will write both simultaneously but depending on my mood and feels, haha.

Finally, I’m just so excited for this! Like oh my god, I can’t wait for Baekhyun to— NOPE I don’t want to say anything! Just read if you can bear with my broken english, typos and grammar errors. (Though, I promise to proofread them from time to time when I have the chance!)

Fun fact: I was supposed to post this while I'm editing Undeniably Lost but I just got to excited especially after university student Byun Baekhyun filled up my twitter timeline! HAHAHAH



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Chapter 5: This was such a fluffy read🥰 Gosh I loved it✨
Chapter 5: Fluffyyyy!!! Fluffy fluffy fluffy sweet omy sweet fluffy the fluff fluffy is overloaded awww fluffy is in the air awwww I can’t stop squealing awww.. where to find baek thoo.. aaah love this story authornim!
Chapter 4: Aigoooo yaaaa aaaaaam sooooooo happppy like yaaah finally 😢😢😢😢
Chapter 3: AaasddfdjjdjdkfkkdlldkdlldldfgghhLll!!! Plsss say the truth!
Chapter 2: >>>_________<<<< ouchhhhh because of that damn bonfire also thank you sehun for igniting Baek’s jealousy XD
Chapter 1: Ummm aaa the girl thinks baek doesn’t like her so she choose to distant herself 😞😞
Chapter 5: This is such a beautiful story ! I really like how you portrayed Baekhyun’s feeling in the beginning when he hasn’t confessed to her yet. The pain, the uncomfortable feeling like he couldn’t breath from his overwhelming feeling, the fear, the insecurity- everything ! It was such dbdhhd ughh thank you for the gooooood story !
Chapter 5: One of the most beautiful! ❤️❤️ Gooosshh! It seems not rushed because everything is perfect, honey! ❤️ You did a great job! *Bear hugs*
Chapter 1: This was just the first flavour but I already wanted to indulge them all. :) This is beautiful! ❤️
Gossshhh, I already love the foreword. ❤️ 'Love tends to cater all flavours.' ☺️