Closed for Judging

Pearl Aqua Dreams Writing Contest

Hello everyone! The contest is now officially CLOSED!

Thank you to everyone who sent in entries and worked hard to finish them on time! I've got a lot of thoughts whirling in my head, but I'll save those until I announce the winners. ^^ So for now, give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back for making it this far with me and get some rest!

Final reminder to those who have been granted extensions: you know when your extension dates are, so please finish by then! I will not be sending you reminders or updating this contest thread until the announcement of the winners, so it is up to you to stay on track and finish on time! Your entry must be marked COMPLETE by 11:59PM PST of your respective extension date in order to qualify for judging.

Just some final housekeeping before I go to bed. I will be doing a final sweep of the entry list and crossing off any entries that do not qualify. If you feel that I have crossed off your entry in error, please let me know so that I can rectify my mistake immediately! I will also be reorganizing the entry list, so it's a bit easier for me to sort through. I have already added Key's solo debut album, Face, to the prize list and that is set to release on November 26! So when it drops next week, please support him and shower him with all of the love he deserves! :D

The Best Of karma prizes will be adjusted when all of the extension dates have passed. And I just realized that I didn't mention something very important, regarding the Best Of prizes. They will be awarded without the inclusion of bonus points. According to the Judging Criteria, up to forty bonus points can be earned, but they will be ignored for these special karma prizes, because I'd rather focus on the writing quality of the stories for this portion specifically. So the rankings for the Best Of prizes might end up being different from the final ranking, which gives some variety and recognition that some entries might not have had otherwise.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact me via the comment box, my wall, or private messages. I respond to all messages within 24 hours. And if you'd also like to be a karma donator, please contact me so we can discuss the specifics. I will repay you for your generosity!

If you were unable to join this contest, finish your story, or you want to join another contest and possibly win more merch, then head on over to Shoes of a Unicorn Writing Contest! :D The fun is never-ending there (actually tho) and I'd love to read more from you all! ^^

Anyway, that's it! Once again, thank you so much to everyone who participated and supported this contest! I really appreciate it and I hope you all had fun writing stories this past year! ^^ Go ahead and read everyone's entries to support each other! :D I'll be back on December 20 with the final ranking list (and probably a brand-new contest giveaway bc wynaut). Until then, have a wonderful day and see you next month! :)

And everyone, please take care of yourselves when the time comes around. If you need someone to talk to, my inbox is always open! <3

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Congratulations on your win, Jonghyun. <3 You truly are the coolest poet, artist, and musician to have blessed this world. We will always be with you. :)


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Chapter 23: Oh, right I forgot this was posted a few days ago but congratulations to the winners! Well technically in a way I'd consider everyone as a winner since we all tried after all. I actually did expect to get last place considering I rushed and didn't have time to double check everything and it wasn't very detailed, I kinda went for writing a concept I wasn't comfortable writing in. I actually enjoyed reading everyone's entries too. ^^
Lol, I also forgot to claim the KP for Vanisher winning The Best of OC XD.
Chapter 23: PS sorry I forgot, I would like to claim my best of OnKey please ❤
Chapter 23: Congratulations everyone! I'm honestly surprised I placed as high as I did, since there were so many amazing entries. The only stories I've ever completed on this site have been for your contests and I always have so much fun writing them ^^. I honestly wish I had more time to complete my other entry, but... familial responsibilities called.

After reading your story, I almost find it amazing that there is someone still on this site who has been a fan of kpop almost as long as I have. My journey into kpop started back in May of 2008 and I started following SHINee in April of the following year (so just a month before their first anniversary). Jonghyun's passing was also a great shock to me, but I still ended up crying for a few hours after hearing the news from my sister. And since I can't listen to any of SHINee's older, sentimental songs, without crying. Jonghyun was my first bias in SHINee and he's always been one of my favorite vocalists in all of kpop, so I've taken his passing pretty hard as someone who was (and still am) a very big fan of his. It's sad knowing that he's gone, but I can at least feel some happiness from seeing the rest of the members continue as a group and succeed. SHINee will be one of those groups that I will always love and support, even in their solo endeavors.

Which, speaking of solos, Kibum and Jinki's new solo albums are amazing! I know Jinki's I'll be listening to a lot when I'm writing sentimental scenes. I was actually listening to Kibum's when I started writing the first chapter of Webtoon War (well... the first half of the first chapter that I managed to get written on my one day off). I'm definitely looking forward to more of their solo work, though Jinki's I'll have to wait for until he completes his military service.

Anyway, thanks so much for hosting this great contest and I'll definitely be joining your Monsta X one (since they are my current bias group) ^^. Now I just need to think of a plot >_>.
Chapter 23: Congratulations to everyone who participated! I absolutely loved writing for this contest, but loved reading everyone's entries just as much. It's been an honor!

Your story was very touching! I have been a Shawol since about 2012, and they have been my bias group since around 2013. Seeing the boys grow musically, emotionally, and physically has been incredible to see, and I know that these boys will only continue to do amazing things in the future. "Hello" and "Lucifer" were my first songs I ever listened to, and now I have pretty much every song of theirs on my phone. Can't wait for another year with Shinee ♥

Again, thank you so much for hosting this competition, and congrats again to everyone who wrote. I am greatly honored to have won,and best of luck to everyone else writing in any other competitions!
Chapter 23: Congrats to everyone!! I’ve loved writing for this contest and reading everyone else’s entries! Inhuman was the first fic I’ve actually completed on this site and actually clicking that green completed button was quite a happy moment.

I’ve Beene Shawl for a lot less time than most on this site. I actually like fully fell down that hole around September or October of last year but my friend who got me into KPOP had been a fan for a long time and her bias was Jonghyun so when she told me the news I was basically in shock. Watching his videos did feel like he was still alive and it was hard to imagine it for me until I saw the SHINee from now on concert. Thinking about what I felt I really can’t imagine what people who’ve loved them so much longer felt like. To be honest, I was only 7 when Ring Ding Ding came out but that song is one of my favorites.

Thank you so much for hosting this contest, it’s been wonderful really and one of my biggest accomplishments on this site! I hope you all also enjoyed it as much as I have!

Happy holidays everyone!!!
Chapter 23: Congratulations to everyone! I agree, seeing that green 'Completed' sign is quite fulfilling! Onew's solo debut came as a shock to me too, omg. But it's a nice Christmas gift after the news of his enlistment.

Reading your road as a Shawol made me smile. I had the same reaction when I watched Ring Ding Dong and Jonghyun has always been one of my favorites since the beginning. I couldn't really include him in my entry for this contest (although I did briefly mention him) because I just couldn't bring myself to write about him. I did write a oneshot about him before from a request and rereading that still saddens me to a degree. Honestly, it took me only like two months ago to give SHINee a listen again and relive my Shawol memories.

Anyways! On a happier note (before I end up crying), wow, SHINee visited your school?! That's awesome! It's always nice to hear other people's experiences with concerts and I'm truly happy for them, from one fan to another. :)

Thank you for hosting such a lovely contest and congratulations to you, luv_kero, as well for completing it until the end! It's also a feat and an accomplishment to finish contests, much like writing stories, aha. Hopefully you enjoyed reading my (and everyone's) entries!

Merry Christmas and Happy holidays, everyone! ^^
Another fantastically hosted contest, from start to finish. Thank you so much for third place and congrats to all the winners!
Chapter 23: Congratulations to all the winners! Of course, thank you for dedicating your time and effort to another successful writing contest, emily :)
So, I'm definitely going to need that longer extension. My dad is legit killing my time with this house we're building. We're almost done, but it's still going to be a few more days of doing touch ups and clean up, so I'm not going to have any time (or energy, really) to write until probably Wednesday or Thursday. Thankfully the story is supposed to be fairly short, so it should only take me a few days to have it completed (but pretty much the max extension you can give me will be best... just to make sure >_>). Sorry for holding you up with the judging ;A;.