Dream Come True

The Professional Mourners & Cuddle Buddy
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Author’s POV:



"How is it? Do you like the taste?" Jessica interrogated after TY took a big bite of the spicy ramyun into his mouth.


They were sitting next to each other at the bar on the corner section of the 24hours convenience store. The place was located in the underground of the subway station just opposite of the bookstore. The reason why Jessica chose it as the place for them to get the instant food for their lunch. She prefers walking with TY to the store than driving somewhere far. By doing so, she could observe this personality more.


Taengoo's alter has their own speed when it comes to walk. Byuntae is in the range of moderate like a kid kind of brisk walk – not so slow and not too fast. DJ Taengoo was always rushing. She almost runs or do a speed walk when she walks. While Kim TaeHyuk, he was just like a man who walks on a runway of a modelling show. And TY... she thought that he looks like a character in a spy movie with his habit to stop after a few steps of walking to check his surroundings thru his eagle eyes.


She had asked TY about why he stops and what he has been searching. His answer was the doctor. He doesn't want the doctor to jab him anywhere if just in case she found them. So, he needs to be careful while walking with her right now. Spending time with Taengoo's alters taught Jessica to be patient, not to ridicule their action simply, and also never doubt their insecurity. Sometimes, they have a clear reason why they behave abnormal like that. She can't question with TY's insecurity like that because she witnessed how Kim TaeHyuk got jabbed quickly by the doctor when he was busy trying to gamble in a casino before.


TY's face slowly changed color to a little red after a few more bites. His cap can't even hide the bright color from Jessica's eyes. The redness on his skin gradually increase for each passing second. To see perspiration that forming on his face triggered her. She remembered, some of the alters were showing a sign like that before they changed. Honestly, she doesn't want him to change to some new alter right now. Although TY gave her a little prank not long ago, but she still prefers him to stay with her. Maybe because her first impression about how smart he was to detect all the devices that attached to his body previously. She couldn't agree more that first impression is truly playing a vital role. The other reason is, he looks like the personality that she can negotiate to bring Taengoo come back to her sense again. She even learned that this personality was actually quite friendly. He wasn't acting so awkward with her whenever they communicate. It makes her feel like they have known each other for so long. TY being comfortable with her is what makes her think like that.


"Was it too hot or too spicy?" She asked the personality this time with uneasy tone. Her hand quickly reached the small mineral bottle on the counter to open the cover for him. Just in case if he needs it already. "Just stop it if you can't stand it. You don't need to finish it if it's too spicy. Yah! Are you alright?" Jessica can't stop being worried to see him sweating.


TY closed his eyes, trying to savour the spicy and hot ramyun that Sooyeon said as her favourite meal when she was so hungry. Ramyun was her choice because it's easier to prepare when it only needs hot water to cook it. He completely ignored everything that Sooyeon said to him because of the food. Wanting to taste Sooyeon's current favourite meal was the reason why he can't stop. He wants to understand about this food. What is so special about this food? The red noodles almost look like earthworms in his eyes. Just the taste is different. This one is rich with flavour. Extremely delicious, and extremely spicy as well.


He blows some air out when his tongue received too much sensation after eating the spicy ramyun. His mouth and face felt burning slowly. The more he took it, the more he could feel like his lips got thicken an inch more than normal. His eyes went red with a few droplets of tears starting to roll down on his face. He can't hear Sooyeon who whines at him anymore when his ears become so hot. A few more bites and he almost surrendered. Somehow, his past taught him the food he has, he can't waste them no matter what. Even if he can't stand it, he decides to just bear and eat it till the end. Sooyeon's face became his motivation to complete what he had started. It rooted him silently. She could really see her in his vision, cheering for him just like the old days.


It took him less than two minutes in his own time loop to finish it. That's the fastest he can swallow them in his stomach. Right now, he could feel like there’s smoke coming out of his ears. So, he quickly took the mineral water that Sooyeon handed it to him to drink it all in one go. He stared at Sooyeon thru his shimmering eyes when he was done drinking. The word hot truly not only for the food, he thought. But it also can be used to the woman next to him. He felt blessed to see Sooyeon was smiling at him. She was biting her lower lip. Probably trying not to laugh to see how dramatic he needs to endure the spiciness of her favourite instant food. Maybe his face looks pretty messy right now as well. With runny nose, tears, and sweat. Instead of complaining, he praised her mentally for how lovely she was to smile beautifully at him.


'Do I look funny? Just laugh if you want. No need to hold them back. I'm not going to be mad at you for laughing at me.'


Jessica shook her head. Not dare to make fun of the serious alter who gave her a view of eye-smile with his flat lips. She thought it was very impolite to do so. She grabbed the tissue on top of the counter to help him cleaning his runny nose, tears, and sweat. Indeed, he looked really messy and funny, just like what he thought. Her gentle gesture got stopped midway when he took the tissue from her hand to clean his own face. So, she ends up observing him for a while. Why is TY not Taengoo, she thought? She really missed talking to that little devil. Being with TY at least cover a little of the missing part that she felt. She knew she was probably selfish by saying something like that. She should help Taengoo getting back to her sense again. Not enjoying her time with Taengoo's other personality. How she wished that TY could really help her to bring Taengoo back.


"I'm sorry about the food." Jessica apologized right away. "I thought you were okay with it. Because Byuntae can eat spicy food when she came out last time."


She believed different personality truly has their own preference and limit right now. What Byuntae likes and can stand will not be applied the same to others. It's not that she never asked him. She did ask TY. Somewhat, his reply can't tell her about what he can eat and what he can't. Right now, she already figured out his limit. He can't eat spicy food, and that's for certain.


'You bring Byuntae to eat your favourite food with you?' TY asked with a frown. His facial expression changed. From lively to serious again.


"Actually, I was just following her to get something that she craved to eat." Jessica explained a bit. Not sharing the details of what the personality did on that night till she lost her time before she could bring the cat to the cat cafe. "Why didn't you stop eating awhile ago? I heard you can't stand eating spicy food, so why don't you just stop?" She repeated the same question twice.


TY took some time before he answered her. His reply gives her a reason to think about him in return.


'What if that was the only meal that I can have in this world? I will never stop if that's the only thing that I can eat. Because the calorie I consumed is enough to give me energy and to survive for a few days more.'


"But that's clearly not the only meal you can have in this world, TY." Jessica expressed gently, trying to take him out from his bad theory right now. She wondered why he was telling her like that. Is it something that related to his past? Taengoo's past? Should she ask him about his past? "Just so you know, I will buy you everything that you want to eat other than that. You should just stop next time because you make me feel guilty right now. What if you have a stomach upset after this?"


'You are always like this.'


"Like this? Like what?" Jessica got baffled with what TY meant by saying that mentally.


The word 'always' from TY bothered her again. This was the second time she heard that word coming from him. The first was when she asked about if she can be his friend. Perhaps, did he know her? Is there any possibility for him to know about her from Taengoo? Because this personality seems like knowing something about her. Maybe she should have a slow talk with him to ask about it later.


'Loving type person... always worrying about other people. You don't have to feel worried about me. I will be fine. Now, please enjoy your favourite food without any worry thought again. My old friend once told me that any food we have should be eaten with a happy mood and with a happy thought if we want to enjoy it.'


Jessica found herself blushing. She can't concentrate eating the spicy ramyun, even the end of his statement was kind of gold in her point of view. All because of the first three words she heard from him. Did TY just say that she's a loving type person? Is it? Really? He thought that she's a loving type person? She can't believe the personality thought her as a loving type person just like what Taengoo told her during her counselling session last time.


"Agassi, how did you communicate with your friend in here? Is she mute?"


One of the convenience store workers who had been observing them secretly asked. She was in the mid thirty, a bit chubby, with short curly hair as what Jessica noticed when she turned around and made eye-contact directly with the woman. TY already stood up from the bar stool, facing the staff. So, she did the same out of reflex. Not sure what to do right now when she got caught speaking with TY in a strange way. Strange because TY never speak verbally or do any sign language with her. Did the staff really catch them?


'Please sit back and eat like normal, Sooyeon. There's nothing to be worried about her. I can handle her.' TY mentally announced when the food Sooyeon had was only taken half way due to the small interruption they received right there. Somehow, Sooyeon didn't listen to him when she continued to stand right beside him.


The chubby woman stared at the slim lady in a black baseball cap that she thought as a mute person. It's so pitiful because she looks pretty on the outside, she thought. Her body was even slimmer twice than her. Same goes to the other person who she gave a question a while ago. They totally scored the body that she was dying to have if only she was committed to cut down her food intake and do regular exercise.


Since the store is not that busy, so she got a chance to watch them while refilling the food stock. The environment is so different by having the two young ladies in their store. She didn't spot any sign language coming from the mute person, but the

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