See You In August

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Pairing: YeWon/Wonsung only

Genre: romance, drama

Warning: I pushed all my working deadline to finish this today. I'm too lazy to proofread this, so, forgive me for the typos or grammar errors

Note: I mention the millitant attack in Marawi City in this story. The attack happens in real life, but months ago. I'm not familiar with the situation in a conflict area, so I basically dramatize some parts.

Another note: I try to connect the story to the voluntary work Siwon does in Vietnam


It’s August.

No matter how far Siwon goes, he always comes back in August.

He has promised Yesung.

But not this time


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389 streak #1
Chapter 3: Rereading

It's really a beautiful story, thank you for sharing it ❤️
Chapter 3: Great story
Cenya14 #3
Chapter 3: Great story! I miss reading Yewon stories
cloudykuro #4
Chapter 3: Just found this fic. I haven't realised that I miss reading yewon story that much until I read this...
Thx for writing this! ^^
Princeice #5
Chapter 3: happy ending happy ending,ikut bahagia kalo yewon sweet gini,di realnya daddy udah ngucapin ke mommy blm ya?yosh unn buat tewon yg sweet lagii yaaa
Princeice #6
Chapter 2: no no noooo daddy udah berjuang banget,knp mommy ngga dirumah?