Just One Night





Still April 2015




Hours Later When we arrived at the hotel I was already exhausted. The trip was too long, and we still had many things to do. I just wanted to take a shower and sleep. But we still had to check the clothes, makeup and hairstyle that I would use the next day. Personally I have never liked fashion events or nothing related to fashion. I have always believed there's too many false and superficial people.


"You'll use this tomorrow" My manager told me.

"You're kidding, right"

"Hey, don't look at me. I'm just your manager. Look at me, I just wear jeans and sneakers."

"This is not fair! Why should I wear that? I do not like that style. i do not llok good on it. Thank you."

"Amb. it is not on me. You are here representing this brand, so you have to wear this."

" At least i should be able to pick what i want to wear"

" Then wear what you want. but it has to be part of this brand".

Due to the change of schedule, and my sleeping problems I ended up walking around the hotel looking for something to do to distract me. The view from my room is beautiful. But the confinement has never helped me calm down, so I decided to roam the hotel.
After some time walking I decided to go down to the restaurant to see if I could get anything to eat. And to my surprise I wasn't not the only one who decided to go for a walk.


"I thought I was the only one who couldn't sleep"

"Eonn ... Amber" Soojung turned around and looked me

"You still have trouble calling me Amber, uh"

"Habits "

"If you feel akward, you can call me just eonnie"

"Amber, its fine, If you don't mind"


And there it's again. That shy smile. I know can sound a little weird, because technically I've known this girl for several years now, and we've shared events a few times. But until now we had never been able to share beyond the professional moments.


"can't sleep?"


"For real?"

"It's always been a bit difficult to sleep especially at night, and a lot more when I change environments dramatically.What about you? You looked tired.  I thought you would be sleeping now"


"I see."


Krystal and I had a good time talking and trying desserts. I swear, the best tiramisu are in this place.



"Not much yet? Why?"

"Well if you're not tired of me yet, we can talk for a while longer."

"I don't know.I should sleep. Tomorrow Morning my face will be swollen"

"You'll look even more adorable and cute. Come on. It would be only a moment"


When said that I thought I saw a slight tinge of red on her cheeks. But it must be just my imagination. I stood up and offered my hand in a symbolic act, to follow me. When She took my hand I had a strange feeling. I usually avoid physical contact with people. I don't like been touched by anyone just like that. I like my personal space and tried to respect others. Maybe that why I felt uncomfortable when my icy hand felt the warmth of hers.

During my tour of the hotel I found a door that overlooked a place that was dedicated to events I guess. For some reason it was open and we slipped.
The view from a 32 floor is amazing. The noise of the city disappears, but the beauty of its nuances remains. The lights, the darkness and the distance make it look like a little shelter.


"Beautiful" Soojung said with a soft voice

"Me? Aww thanks. I'm flattered." i tried to joke


I did a little pause to look at Krystal to know how she took my joke. People can be sensitive sometimes. She seems didn't care about my joke so I continued talking.


"Whenever I need to escape from the hotel closure I search for these places to be alone"

"Always? Is that why you're lost in the events?" Soojung asked me with a funny tone

"It's fun to see my manager desperately looking for me"

"Aren't  you afraid to be alone in this places? What if fans find you?"

"I don't really think about that. most of the time i need to be alone once in a while. We are always surrounded by so many people that sometimes I feel overwhelmed, so I need to escape and be just by myself"

" Yeah. i got that. Maybe I should follow your example"

"I would be completely flattered to know that you follow my bad examples. Do you like this kind of event?. You know. Fashion, flashes, cameras and all this stuffs."

" I do like it Now. when I was younger, I felt a lot of pressure when I was facing so many cameras and journalists. over the years I learned how to control the anguish and enjoy it"

"You should teach me how to do it"

"What are you talking about? You always look very calm"

"Then I think I'm good faking calm. I hate the flashes, and her stupid questions ..."

"... They always ask the same thing and they always want to delve into the rumors"

"What about your relationship with ...?"

"What about your relationship with ...?"


We both asked at the same time the same thing imitating journalists. We laughed and realize that we have a few things in common. 


"Yeah. I know what you mean. I like to be alone sometimes too. But I prefer be with my sister or my members"

"You really are very close though. I envy you"

"It's nice have someone to share certain things. Working with my members makes everything easier. I appreciate even the arguments with them"

"Maybe I should get a band for  myself too"

"Maybe you should"


Krystal yawns and now she really looks very tired so I suggest to go to rest, which she willingly accepted.

The next day everything it was crazy. I managed to sleep for a couple of hours. Which didn't  prevent me from having big dark circles under my eyes and being nagged for my stylist for not take care of my skin and my look.

The event is not until the afternoon. But we have to make  a million of preparations before. We have to check trials and outfits. The schedule we will follow. It's not 10 o'clock in the morning and I'm already stressed.


"You seem to want to kill us all" a soft voice told me

"Soojung. Good morning! how did you sleep?"

"Very well thank you. But it would have been perfec be able to sleep a few more hours"

"I wonder who kidnapped you last night and took you sleep?" i joked knowing just she would undertand

"By the way, you look great"

" is Not true, but thank you" i blushed slightly

"You look good with that style though. You don't  always have to use your bad-girl image, you know."

"There's times when I don't know when you're serious and when you're kidding" i looked her confused

"But I mean it"

"Sure. I'd better hurry or swear that my stylist oennie is going to shave me"


The day of course was still a chaos. Flashes, journalists, cameras, fans. Everything was crazy. The event was a success and even, despite my lack of social skills, I was able to develop quite well.

At nightfall HyunJoon Oppa and I decided to go out to eat at some restaurant near the hotel. I thought about inviting Krystal, but I didn't want look needy or that I was totally desperate to spend time with her so I let it go.
Once out of the hotel, HyunJoon Oppa decides to call HoJoon Oppa, Krystal's manager, and guess what; yes. I ended up having a nice evening with Krystal. Again.


"Ugh, tomorrow will be a horrible day!" soojung told me groaning soflty

"Worse than today?" i looked her incredulous

"I have two interviews and a photoshoot that will surely be interminable"

"Wow. It's hard to be famous"

"What about you? What will you do?"

"I want to visit a couple of museums"

"You like museums"

"Not a fan of them. But you can't come to Paris and not visit the museums. It would be a crime!"


Krystal told me that she was here a few years ago because of a show she did with f(x). She gave me some information from where would be nice to eat.
It is curious how excited she is by telling me about all the places she has traveled. It's strange. But when she talks about what she likes. She irradiate and special bright. Her eyes shine and her gestures are always very exaggerated. Same as a child who tells you a story. Suddenly I realize that I am completely hypnotized by her. I'm smiling like an idiot imagining everything she says. Without even thinking I say the first thing that goes through my mind.


"You shine when you talk about this things"


"I mean... well, you know. You really like travel"

"And who doesn't? Sorry if I get too exited"


Suddenly she pouted cutely. And I felt that funny feeling in my stomach again. It's like something hits me hard and left me without air and words. A warmth rises from my stomach to my head making me  feel my ears very hot.


"Do you want to come with me?"

"Unless a miracle happens and canceled all my activities is impossible"

"Nothing is impossible. Let's go the day after tomorrow"

"For real?"

"Sure. I can make other plans for tomorrow."

"I would love to. I can be a great guide.

"You sound very confident of yourself. Very well miss itinerary. Then I leave it all in your hands"

"You'll see that I'm very good at this."


When Krystal mentions how good she is at some thing she looks so confident that I feel it would be a sin to doubt her.
Without realizing it we arrived at her room.


"All right, Miss-I can-plan-all-perfect Have a good and exhausting day. I will look forward to our tour"

"You'll be surprised"

"I don't know why but I think so"


"Goodnight Miss Jung"

I don't know why I stood there watching her disappear into her room with a big and stupid smile on my face. Suddenly a strange thought came to me. Something that really has never really mattered to me: "How much time is enough to fall in love with someone?"










Hi guys!! Sorry for not update often. Life got me this days. Anyway I'm gonna try to update once a week.  So feel free to comment and subscribe. Thanks for reading guys. Love you  :)



PS: I know the story can be a little slow now. But I need to show some details about Krystal and Amber. So we can know how they ended together. Hope you enjoy it. And be pacient :)

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hello everyone. im so sorry for being off for so many years. many things happened. but i neves forgot this story, so i hope this time i can finifh it and give to kryber a happy ending. i hope every person who read this is fine and doing okay.


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idkwhattoputheree #1
Chapter 20: we need moree!!
amhar03 #2
Chapter 20: Welcome back and thank you for writing this
Appledots5 #3
Chapter 19: Oh no T T
Anw thank you… thank youuu author!
Thanks to you for keep reading :)
2076 streak #5
Thanks for the update!
2076 streak #6
Chapter 18: I like this chapter
2076 streak #7
Chapter 18: Thank you for the update
amhar03 #8
Chapter 17: Okay trouble coming, and is that soojung at the end?

Though i wanted to keep it positive that she has a reason for doing that. It would be more challenging if we got some problem but not too long pleasee just like 1 or 2 chap then they resolve the problem i can't bear with angst phase for too long..
Appledots5 #9
Chapter 17: moree pls 🤧
2076 streak #10
Chapter 17: Oh god no soojung