Purplish Thoughts (ficlet collection)

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1. Selca (seulrene)

2. Lost Boy (wense)

3. First Everything (wenrene)

4. Date (kryber)

5. Wait (wense)

6. Chance Encounter (mimo)

7. Crush (seulrene)

8. Coincidence (wenrene)

9. Stranger in Familiarity (kryber)

10. Crimson Rose (wense)

11. Dinosaur (mimo)

12. Stars (seulrene)

13. Halloween Special (wenrene)

14. One Swallow Doesn't Make a Summer (minaseul)

15. Your Eyes are Glued to My Lips (seulrene)

16. Horror and Mischief (mimo)

17. Love Sick (kryber)

18. But Santa is Not Real (wenrene)

19. Like You (mimo)

20. Alluring (wenrene)

21. Closer (wense)

22. Teen Movie (wendy)

23. Blank Pages (wenrene)

24. Wispy (mimo)

25. Dynamics (kryber)

26. Last Second (wenrene)

27. Aitai (minaseul)

I'm closing this collection. Thank you for reading this. :D I had fun writing these really short fics the past two years. :)

There are too many ships, no? I'm opening a wensé collection soon. Probably a wenrene one too when I'm done with my on-going fic. :)


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MIMOnster #1
Chapter 6: ohhh smooth mimo hahaha
Sir_Loin #2
Chapter 15: :(
Sir_Loin #3
Chapter 12: Awwwwwww. This was short and sweet
Sir_Loin #4
Chapter 1: Aaaah!!! Kiyoooott
poplarbear #5
Chapter 27: Been reading SeulMina fics lately so thank you for the stories!
1241 streak #6
Chapter 16: Cute MiMo and mischiveous 2Yeon xD
572 streak #7
Chapter 7: Really has a soft spot for SeulRene ?
Chapter 27: Thanks for the update author
Chapter 26: Coming back to reread this angsty beautiful chap and knowingly stabbing my own heart reading this sobs
akrr1997 #10
Chapter 26: Ouch...