Winning (Against) Yoon Jeonghan

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Jeonghan should have learned by now that Jisoo never made a bet unless he was sure to win. 


Notes About the Story: 
Highly influenced and inspired by one of my favourite fics ever: Subtlety, Thy Name is Sirius Black! I've read it way too many times. It's Sirius Black x Remus Lupin (Harry Potter fandom represent) and it's the best thing ever and I have a lot of feels for it. That being said, this fic may contain similarities to the story (in terms of the general story flow, I guess) but of course without outright copying the story and with Jihan's own non-HP au twistヽ(๏∀๏ )ノ

Non-AU!!! Since canon fics are cute and nice and I haven't written them in a canonverse for a while now; I basically stopped a bit after debut, yeah.  How they look follows their most recent styles (as of early 2017) since I don't think there's a specific era right now?? Mainly it's only important to note this is pink haired Jisoo and Jeonghan's general Boomboom era look, the others you can imagine as you please unless otherwise specified~ (◕‿◕✿)

Real names used as always! ♡ Exceptions include shifting between Jisoo / Joshua, Hansol / Vernon, and how much I like referring to Jihoon as Wooji. Cute fluffy liddle Wooji Woozi baby.  

Also features tiny bits of other groups for reasons you'll see why. 
Heads up that Jihan's not the only mentioned pairing among them (as in, with either Jisoo and Jeonghan), but it's a minor mention and they're still the focus. Other Seventeen pairs may also make an appearance! 

That's all, I hope you enjoy the story ♥︎
Comments make me the happiest!!! ♡

Completed: July 9, 2017
Total word count: 16, 873


Fanfic Directory: click! 


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Previous hella cute graphics thanks to Tiny Strawberry!

Previous amazing graphics thanks to LE NOIR!

(Actual images for both shops no longer available :<)

Previous cute animated graphics thanks to Cyanide Shop!

Previous super cute amazing graphics thanks to Camouflage Studio!


Previous lovely graphics thanks to JiaAera over at Jelly Bubble!


Current graphics made by myself!


My first ever trailer, and a really good one at that, thanks to Rhymes Co.!
You can find the trailer here.


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1104 streak #1
Chapter 1: Ready to see Joshua win :D
princessswan #2
Chapter 9: Omfg I LOVEEE this. LOL I love the bet & how Shua never loses. The guys played such a huge role, which I absolutely adore. Seriously though.. Jeonghan desperately clinging onto Shua & getting more jealous as time went on was GOLD. Seriously JIHAN are besties & soulmate goals. <3 Hope you continue writing more JIHAN in the future - thanks for sharing this perfect story!! :)
waee09 #3
Chapter 9: Rereading because soooo in loveeee with this masterpieceeeee
waee09 #4
Chapter 9: SOOOOOO AMAAZINGGGGGGYGG. MY HEARRRRRRTTTTT. LOVED EVERY BIT!! Thank you sooo muchh for this masterpiece 😭
Chapter 9: That was adorable AF thank you! ♡
Sounds promising
bookworm514 #7
Chapter 10: oh this is so adorable. the ending was perfect!
Babematsu #8
Chapter 9: One of my first fics but also one of my favorites I completely love this so much you have no idea . thanks for writing it
Chapter 9: That was like so effin adorable♥♥♥