Of Rejections and Persistence

Of Invulnerability and Promises
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"Marry me, Kang Seulgi."​​​​​​




Joohyun was getting ready to be slapped, kicked, thrown by the taller girl infront of her who was still taken back when she pulled back and observed her expressions. 



She muttered out carefully, her hands still tightly clutched on Seulgi's white shirt, not making her distance away.


She wanted to smell Seulgi up close.

Joohyun was addicted to the latter's baby-like smell.


Untainted, flowery and smoothing.


It played a part in easing Joohyun's nerves a little while waiting for the younger girl to respond. 



Seulgi finally muttered out a short reply, which awaken all of Joohyun's muscles, nerves and intestines. The older gulped, trying hard to not back down from their intensive eyecontact. She could feel her heart racing as she get to ogle Seulgi's orbs. 


Joohyun noticed that Seulgi's orbs was hazel brown which totally made her eyes looked even more attractive if thats even possible. Her eyes was still full of emptyness and a hint of confusion plus amusement. Joohyun realized how just by looking at Seulgi's pair of eyes, her insides could burn and her mind would just stop functioning. 



So it wasn't a surprise that Joohyun didn't notice how Seulgi had pulled herself away until she felt the younger's slender fingers touching her clutched fist, taking her collar away from the short's loosen grip. 


Joohyun looks at Seulgi expectantly.


It would be a lie if Joohyun says that she wasn't confident that Seulgi would immediately get down on her knees and accept her 'proposal'. Afterall, she knew how dropped-dead gorgeous she was everytime she stares at herself in the mirror. Furthermore, there's just no way you can't recognize the daughter of your country's Prime Minister who often appears on news. Joohyun had to even tell slash threaten the other students earlier on when they are spazzing about her the moment she entered the studio with Yongsun. 




There's no way one could reject Bae Joohyun. 



And she knew she was right the moment she saw Seulgi staring at her with a tuck of a smile, it was a between happy and a forlorn one, Joohyun couldn't decipher. Her hand roaming through her brown locks and hell, Seulgi looked hundred folds hotter and charming. Joohyun swore she could just melt on the spot when the taller gave her a beaming grin while ruffling her ash-purple hair.


Never did Joohyun thought this kind of simple motion could make her heart skip so fast. 


"I'll take it as it didn't happen at all, no worries." Seulgi chunckled and shook her head before turning her heels, ready to get out of the studio only to have Joohyun grabbing on her arm.



She was heavily confused. 


Why would Seulgi want to take it as it didn't occured at all? 


"Its a mistake, isn't it?"


Seulgi quirked a brow while Joohyun felt her body heating up in anger and frustration. She couldn't believe how Seulgi just brush away their first peck this easily as if it was nothing to her when it meant everything to Joohyun. 


"ITS NOT A MISTAKE, SEULGI!" Joohyun roared, tightening her grip around the taller's arm, "I AM SERIOUS ABOUT MARRYING YOU." 


Seulgi chunckled, "Stop joking around, just go home already. It's getting late."

"I'm not going anywhere without you, Seulgi. And i'm not fooling around at all." Joohyun lowered her voice down, displaying her puppy eyes which never once fail her.


However, her -in-the-boots stare didn't seemed to work on Seulgi. The younger only curtly brushed her hand away.


"You just met me today." 


"...don't you recognize me?'


Joohyun could maybe forgive Seulgi for not remembering her during that event but she could not forgive if she only knew her existence today, when she showed up herself as a student. It will be like as if Seulgi has been living under the rock.


Joohyun doesn't even know why she sign up for this when she already had five years if dance experience. 

Then she remembered that it was for Seulgi.


Seulgi whom she knew she had fall in love with the minute she laid her eyes on her.

Seulgi whom she's so desperate to have. 

Seulgi who is now reaching out for the knob, glancing back at her with small smile.


"I do remember you, Joohyun-ssi. Your hair stands out among the others in the event." 


And Joohyun felt herself grinning back widely at the taller girl.







They were standing side by side at the entrance the gate of the academy sliently. Seulgi had offered to accompanying Joohyun till her driver comes and the latter was more than happy to accept the offer.


It wasn't a kind of awkward slient, nor it was really confortable. Since the great Bae Joohyun was literally having a battlefield in her mind, trying to force her pretty lips and ego to ask the instructor out.


She was torn between asking her out for dinner now or a movie date tommorow. 

Joohyun figured that she would be more interested in the first option. She knew that she's definately not going to have a good sleep if Seulgi doesn't give a proper answer to her 'proposal' and peck-like-kiss.





Both of them flinched when they broke the slience at the same time. Joohyun couldn't help but thought how well they matched each other that they even speak at the same time.


"You can go first." Like a gentleman, Seulgi allowed Joohyun to speak out first. However, Joohyun was curious about what Seulgi was going to say to her. More curious than her need to ask Seulgi out for a date. 


"No-no, you tell me first, Seulgi. And please just call me Joohyun." 

Although Joohyun knew that she was older than the latter, she wanted Seulgi call her just by her name and feel comfortable with her.


Seulgi hestitated for a moment but nonetheless, allowed the name to roll off her tongue.




The said girl never knew her name was this pretty until now. Joohyun loved how her name sounds like when it comes out of Seulgi's soft lips and velvety voice.


"I think your driver is waiting for you already." 


It seemed like Joohyun was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didnt hear the honking sound calling out for her.


"Huh?" She glanced and saw Uncle Ryeok having a father-like smile etched on his winkled face. 


"I guess i'll see you next week during the dance session then. Have a nice day, Joohyun." When Joohyun divert her attention back to Seulgi, she already saw the taller walking away from her. 

Catching up with Seulgi with her short legs, Joohyun stopped the younger and offered, "Do you need a ride home? I can send you back." 

She was very much hoping that the younger would accept, so that they could talk more and maybe Joohyun can finally have the courage to ask Seulgi out for a date. 


Much to her dismay, she received an apologetic smile, "Thanks for the offer, but i'm not heading towards home. i'm rushing to send someone off in the airport."

"And i'm running a little late now, thanks to someone."

She continued with a tease that made Joohyun blushed madly. 


"T-Then the more you should accept my offer, Seulgi."

Joohyun was not going to take no for an answer so you dragged the latter to her car and told Uncle Ryeok to drive them to the airport.




Staring at the girl's side profile who was looking out of the tinted window, Joohyun wondered if Seulgi have any interest in her. Because if she have at least the slightest interest, shouldn't she be initiating a conversation with some questions or something like how Joohyun has been cracking her brain for since they started departing? 



"Seulgi, what kind of-"


Just when she finally thought of a good topic to discuss about, Seulgi's phone rang off. 

The younger glanced at Joohyun with a polite and apologectic smile  before swiping her screen right, answering the call. 

Though they were sitting at each end of the seats, Joohyun could clearly hear how clear and loud the person was on the other line. It even made her jump up from her seat in surprise.




Seulgi laughed, "I am, Wannie. I'm sorry, my session got delayed. I'm reaching in a mintue time! So don't you dare leave yet without a proper goodbye!" 


"Gosh Seul, get your here now. I'm pretty sure i'm going to miss you more if i dont get to see you before setting off." 


Joohyun frowned as she looked the front, which enabled her to look at Seulgi's expressions through the front mirror without the younger realizing. She could already feel her inside burning yet again for a complete different reason. She wants to find out just who exactly is this 'Wannie' that her Seulgi is talking to so mushily and so happily.


"I can't imagine myself living without you for the next few months man. Its going to be so depressing, i can already foresee it." 


And Joohyun blocked her ears, not wanting to hear anymore of the conversation going on between Seulgi and Wannie. 



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Chapter 1: im loving this so far!!
Chapter 18: I love this story so much! 💖
reveluv316 812 streak #3
congrats on feature
1195 streak #4
Chapter 1: WOAH okay that's a huge ask 😳
ilikeyouchi #5
charismarina #6
congrats on getting featured!!
Congratulations on the feature
i love ittttt! huhuhu thank u n congrats on the feature!!
2076 streak #9
Chapter 2: Nooooo what happened to Joohyun?
Chapter 2: Joohyun - 💋💋
Seulgi - 0