Always You and I

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One of the hardest thing to find is love...

I thought I found it...

Till you showed me what it meant I did not realize what I had and almost lost.

This is all about US - you and I...


I am a recent DARAGON Fan. I don't have an inkling about them until my mom asked me to research on the song "Fantastic Baby". I searched all the videos about Big Bang and bumped into a Daragon Video that led me into being a fan. This story is fictional and I will base it on my interpretation of everything I have seen and read from all the Daragon videos and IMs that I have read. I dedicate it to all Applers and Daragon fans whom I deeply admire for their loyalty and love for Dara and Jiyong. You are all amazing and I hope that I will give you a kind of story that will strengthen your faith in them.

One of the few things I deeply admire in all the Appler/Daragon videos that I have watched, are the theme songs you've used. They were so amazing that I created my own playlist based on them. I will open each chapter of my story with your songs because they inspire me and they seem to say the words that Jiyong and Dara cannot even utter.

I hope you will enjoy my story...

Just a remindet to all AYAI readers the sequrl is ongoing its entitled My Family Kwon please visit it too


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Chapter 42: Sinong marupok? DARA
Chapter 41: Ugh fake promises again. *Rolled eyes*
Chapter 39: Jiyong is so complacent that Dara loves him so much and she will come back even he will do that again and again. When will forgive you many times yes but when she got tired that really the end. Jiyong don't know how to be contented and if he always feel alone when he's away don't look for a permanent girlfriend.
Chapter 38: Ji is an doing it once is a mistake but doing it twice is enough. And the fact that he's aware and decided about it. Cheater is always a cheater. Pwee and he even has a guts to say he loves her and more of bull promises. And rushing to marry her yuck.
Chapter 16: He's dating that K girl and even introduce her to his fam yet he want Dara. Boooo *thumbs down*
jaaneeyyy #6
Chapter 5: Same Feelings for the very first time i saw their Hello performance their skinship and their eyes tell all that there is something between two of them
Mj_____ #7
Chapter 39: Im really in love with your story, i already read it a couple of time and i could not get enough...thank you for this wonderful story. .. looking forward for more😍😍
Chapter 50: I love how detail your story is. You tell us about Jiyong and Dara from the very beginning.
Thank you.
cecexx #9
Chapter 48: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1167626/48'>Finally</a></span>
Did he really date Nana??? Im a new appler and Im still absorbing details like sponge! xx
Lkeisha #10
Chapter 51: Read the entire thing the whole day. Yay! The story is so good and seemed very close to the reality. Thank you for this wonderful Daragon story. I still hope that at the end of the day, it will still be Jiyong and Dara. ❤️