Whisper in Her Ear

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In which burnt-out medical student, Kang Seulgi, finds her days at the hospital not so boring after all once she sets foot into the psychiatric ward and meets the curious Bae Irene.


#WARNING: this fiction includes sensitive topics such as mental illness, child abuse, violence, and gore so please DO NOT continue if it is not something you want to see.

#I write this based on what I know academically and I make sure to not romanticize any illness, but if you still feel like something is offensive, please let me know. offending anyone suffering from this illness in real life is never my intention.

#I try to portray the illness realistically but everyone can have different manifestation in real life so please do not use this as the absolute representation for everyone with the illness.

#Special thanks to my friend, user katebishop, for the amazing artwork! :)


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royalfamily31 #1
Chapter 25: Comeback at 2024 and still amzed woahhh
70 streak #2
Chapter 25: Still the same thing, Amazing!
70 streak #3
Chapter 15: :((
70 streak #4
Chapter 25: This story was amazing. This story is worth to be reread in future.So many events which all fit well together and they journey of Irene who thought she would never get out and have a family. And Seulgi who hadn't moved on from her long lasting crush.

Thank you so much for writing this story!
Chapter 24: Happy moments come to an end someday but Joohyun and Seulgi it is just the beginning of their happy relationship.
Chapter 23: Irene had a talk with Wendy which was what she needed to let all those pent up emotions out. They can finally be sisters once again.

Krystal wants to apologize too. Things ate turning great for Irene
Chapter 22: The grandma is very cool, despite her age she seems very lively and understanding, even giving Irene something to Do. I am sure she would make a great writer once she decided what stories to tell.

The last scene warmed my heart up. Seulgi knows what she is doing- helping her girlfriend feel as comfortable as possible, without the voices.
Chapter 21: Seulgi and Irene will finally have some time to get romantic, getting to know each other better and just enjoy the happy little moments together before Irene has to return to the hospital.
Chapter 20: Wendy has given her mom an ultimate, it will either change everything for the good or bad.

Irene and Seulgi had a talk they needed to have ages ago. At least they are there for each other, in both good and bad times.