Cute + Parents!au + Kwon Jiyoon

because I love you

Total votes: 15


A honking of a car followed by the sound of the front door opening.


“I’m home!” Kwon Jiyoon yelled while taking off her shoes to put on the rack. “Mummy?” 


“In the kitchen dear.” Yoona shouted from the kitchen. She was currently cooking lunch for the family while her husband, Kwon Jiyong, had gone to pick up their daughter at preschool.


Kwon Jiyoon made her appearance in the kitchen after dumping her bag in the living room. She quickly hopped up on the counter seat, her pigtails bouncing along with her. 


“How was school dear?” Yoona asked, looking up from cutting the carrot to look at her daughter. 


“It was okay.” Jiyoon replied, shrugging her shoulders absentmindedly.


They heard the front door close and a few minutes later Jiyong made his way to the kitchen, kissing Yoona on the cheek before taking a seat beside Jiyoon. 


“Kwon Jiyoon, how many times do I have to tell you to close the door after entering?” Jiyong pinched her nose.


“Ouch daddy!” Jiyoon rubbed her nose cutely. “I’m sorry~ I just couldn’t wait to eat mummy’s lunch!” Jiyoon giggled, rubbing her face on Jiyong’s arms to appease him.


“Yah yah, don’t use your mummy as an excuse.” Jiyong rebutted, squeezing her cheeks.


“Ji, stop torturing our daughter.” Yoona watched the interaction between Jiyong and Jiyoon and couldn't help the smile creeping up on her. Her handsome husband and their beautiful daughter. They meant the world to her.


After a few more minutes cutting the vegetables, while Jiyong and Jiyoon continued teasing each other, she was done cutting the vegetables and placed it in the microwave, along with other side dishes. She set the clock to 45 minutes and went back to her husband and daughter. 


“Oh, mummy! Today Mrs. Kim told us a love story during lunch break!” Jiyoon said excitedly. 


“Oh really now? Was it about Cinderella and Prince Charming?” Yoona replied, while cleaning up the leftovers on the counter.


“Yeahp, it was so romantic!" Jiyoon clapped happily. Then she frowned, her eyebrows knitting together. "But how came mummy and daddy don’t have a romantic love story? Uncle Seungri told me how mummy and daddy met and it wasn’t as interesting as the love story Mrs. Kim described.” Jiyoon pouted.


Jiyong and Yoona looked at each other not knowing what to say, before facing their daughter again. 


“Heol, our love story isn’t interesting?” Jiyong started, pretending to pout. “And to think I did everything to woo your mummy, right yeobo?” 


Yoona rolled her eyes. Her husband is too playful sometimes, always pulling their daughter’s leg.


“Ani, it’s just predictable!” Jiyoon replied hurriedly to clarify herself. 


“Well baby, how much more interesting do you want it to be?” Yoona went over the counter and stood beside Jiyoon. 


Jiyoon thought for a minute before snapping her fingers together. “Aha! Why don’t mummy and daddy come up with a different scenario on how mummy and daddy met?” Jiyoon bounced excitedly on the stool counter.


Jiyong looked and Yoona before chuckling softly. “That sounds like a great idea right yeobo? Why don’t we create another scenario where we meet and fall in love since the original version is being rejected by our precious daughter.” 


Yoona looked at Jiyoon and the adorable puppy eyes she got made her forced to follow along.


“Sure, let me just hang this apron first before we get started.” Yoona went over to the rack and hung her apron. The three then proceeded to the living room, getting comfortable on the large white couch. 


“Okay daddy, you can start first.” 


“As you wish princess.” Jiyong chuckled and got up from the couch, standing in front of the two. 


“Don’t forget the traditional ‘once upon a time’! Jiyoon giggled.


“Okay baby.” Jiyong cleared his throat. “Once upon a time, there was a brave soldier name Jiyong who had to embrace himself through hours and hours of classes during college. He had a tough life due to his good looks. Practically every fair maiden wanted to be with him.” Yoona snorted at that, rolling her eyes. “Indeed, it was tough for him. But fortunately he was amazing so he didn’t have to work hard to become the best because he already was.” 


“Yah gojitmal.” Yoona tsked which was shooed by Jiyoon who was listening with utmost interest. 


“One day while Jiyong was walking to his next class, he bumped into someone. Oh no? Who could it be? The brave soldier was about to yell at the said person, but his words were caught in his throat after seeing the beauty in front of him. That day was the day Jiyong’s life changed after meeting the angel. The next few days he tried to get close to the said angel but apparently the angel has a dark side; she was stubborn and strong. She didn’t need a brave soldier in her life.” Jiyong pretended to sigh sadly. “But no, the brave soldier did not give up, even though it was hard for him. He was trying to declare his love to the said angel while struggling to fight off the dragons that want the angel. I specifically remembered one of the dragons name was Ok Taecyeon.” Jiyong smiled mischievously at Yoona who could only glare at him. 


“The brave soldier and the dragon had a match to win over the angel. It was all blood and sweats during the match. During the , the soldier had several cuts and burns because of the fire-breathing dragon. The brave soldier was on the brink of giving up, but suddenly the angel appeared in front of his eyes and cheered for him. With the last bit of energy, he used his right hand which was holding the sword and made a final fatal cut slashing the dragon’s neck. The brave soldier was drenched with the dragon’s blood, but that didn’t stop the angel from pulling the soldier into a heated kiss. After a 4 hour shower, the soldier proposed to the angel and the angel said yes. And they live happily ever after. The end.” Jiyong ended proudly, pumping his fists into the air as if holding a sword.


Jiyoon looked up at Jiyong with amazement and wonder. “Wow, daddy! That was so good, better than the Cinderella love story!” Jiyoon said, still amazed. 


Jiyong smirked smugly before sitting back on the couch. “I know. And that is why our love story is the best, right yeobo?” Jiyong faced Yoona, wrapping his arms around her shoulder.


Yoona rolled her eyes. “It would have been nicer if you actually implemented some real facts about our love story.” Yoona got up from the couch and stood in the center of the living room. “Now it’s my turn. Listen well to this real, free-of-lies version okay princess.” 


“Once upon a time, there was a normal girl name Yoona. She was an ordinary girl with ordinary looks. (Jiyong threw a pillow at her, which she managed to dodge) She graduated from school and went on to college. Her first college was quite far, hence her father decided to move her to a nearer college. Since she came in late, she had no friends she could bond with. But one day a guy came up to her and asked to be her friend. He was the best-looking guy she had ever met and his name was Ok Taecyeon. (Another pillow thrown). While she was busy with Taecyeon, she didn’t realize that another guy had taken an interest in her. The other guy was too shy to approach her, hence he just stood at the side-lines while watching the Yoona and Taecyeon.”


“I was being a gentleman!” Jiyong protested earnestly, but Yoona just continued.


“One day, the shy guy bumped into Yoona in the library and that was the start of their friendship. The posted sticky notes on each other’s books while in the library but somehow it grew to be more than just library bonding. After a few weeks, while the shy guy (“Yah give me a name!” Jiyong yelled.) was searching for Yoona, he overheard Taecyeon confessing to Yoona. The shy guy was crushed and ran away from the scene. But fortunately, Yoona managed to catch up to him and the girl was the first between the two to declare her love for the shy guy because the shy guy was taking too long to confess.” Yoona rolled her eyes at Jiyong who just sat there with his hands folded together. 


“And that was the beginning of our happily ever after.” Yoona ended happily, coming round the coffee table to peck Jiyong on the lips to appease him. 


Jiyong grumbled in annoyance before wrapping his arm on Yoona’s waist, letting Yoona have her way with him. Yoona kept it short and simple since Jiyoon was still there, but allowed Jiyong to hold her hand, fingers intertwined. 


“Wow! That was even better than daddy’s version!” Jiyoon said after a moment of silence. “Mummy’s version was much much more romantic. I want to be like that too one day.” Jiyoon sighed happily, coming over to sit on Jiyong’s lap which Jiyong immediately wrap his other arm around her.


“Make sure he’s not too shy to approach you.” Yoona replied cheekily, putting her head on Jiyong’s shoulder. 


“Yah, it’s not my fault that you’re too beautiful babe. I was too starstruck.” Jiyong rebutted, kissing Yoona’s head affectionately. 


Yoona giggled. “And will our future son in law also be starstruck?”


“Of course, we raised a princess.” Jiyong said, tightening his arm around his two beloved angels. “It’s in the Kwon genes.” Jiyong replied smugly.




Later that evening, Seungri had come with Seohyun to the Kwon’s household for dinner. Over dinner, Jiyoon excitedly told about the other versions on how Yoona and Jiyong met to Seungri and Seohyun with wild hand gestures and more dramatic scenes. (Guess we know where Jiyoon got her dramatic flair from tsk.) Seungri, who helped in getting Jiyong and Yoona together said;


“Tsk Jiyoon, I’m offended that you think my matchmaking skills wasn’t interesting enough for you. Do you know how hard it was for them to get together?” Seungri whined.


“But Uncle Seungri’s sticky note idea was also romantic.” Jiyoon replied, giving a small kiss on Seungri’s cheeks. 


Seungri smiled brightly and said, “Kissing to appease people, I see." Seungri eyed Jiyoon smugly. "Definitely in the Kwon’s genes. Like mother, like daughter.” 


They all laughed happily at the statement and they live happily ever after. 


A/N: I'm not supposed to write this one out since it only got 15 votes by oh well. I'm not sure if this is cute enough OTL (but if it's not, then never fear, there will be more cute parents!au in the future!). This was unbeta-ed so I apologize for any mistakes and failed writing T_T Thanks for those who voted for this genre <3 And since i'm so nice i'm gonna do a songfic for next chap even though it only had 3 votes keke~ Do comment and let me know what you think! (I love reading comments and replying to gyoon shippers \O/)


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3 chaps in tow; cute + kwon jiyoon / songfic / idol!verse againnn


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HottestVIPSone #1
Chapter 37: Omg it’s been sooooo long . Still love your story btw :p
Chapter 36: I loved it ☆☆☆
Chapter 35: a part of me knew this was going to be sad but it was so painful to read
Chapter 34: that was so much fun hahahaha
Chapter 33: I love it, it's one of my favorites
Chapter 32: I really had fun with this chapter
Chapter 31: I loved it
Chapter 30: I think Jiyong wanted something more than a kiss
Chapter 29: I love it, for some time I thought it would have another ending, but fortunately it did no