Personal Message

BUAHAHAHAHA!!! Im not really sure what to write in this colomn but nevermind :D

if you have anything you wanna ask or say or simply have a chat with me, simply email me at [email protected] 

reallt really wanna thank my subcribers for the awesome support! OMO! YOU MAKE ME FEEL ALIVE ~ (okayyyyzzz................ 0@0)

sosososososososososososossoosososososososososososososososososossososoosososososososoos ENJOY~ 

About Me

HIHO!!! :D

i love writing stories!!! especially when it comes to romance! :D and everytime a storyline pop into my head, FUU--YOOO! i explode with crazy ideas~

ANYWAYZZZ, imma SUPER inspirit! i just love those boys!! arent they cute?! OH MA GAWD! how i wish these stories were real XD (dream on~)

MY bais, JANG DONG WOO! why? CUZ... he is the cutest, loudest and funniest dinosaur ive known and hell yea he is super talented and that whats makes him A.W.E.S.O.M.E! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH (love his laughs)

i do love other kpop groups too! (P.S mostly guys> come'on, who the hell could resist hot guys)

waaa~ okayz, bout me~

i love to eat, sleep, hang out with friends and just have a hell of a time ( like partying partying YEAH! fun fun fun fun... )

AND when im bored i (obviously everyone does that) finds things to do. i like creating stuffs but since i at art, (trust me, if you ever seen my art works, you would probably thought it was a pice of trash) so i decicded to create things using my brian and imagination... WRITING STORY!! :D (lol)

but honenstly if you were my to know me, i would be one of the LAZIEST person in your list. (OUCH X< ) so really sorry if i dont frquently update my stories. but dont worry~ NEVER GIVE UP! :D WUAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


follow me on twitter :D @whyliketatone

kthxxxxBYE ;D