Am I... back?

I used to write here a couple years ago and I loved it. I had awesome subscribers and commenters for my Exo fics (Wolf School and Tales from the Xiuharem mainly).

I really enjoyed writing and getting all the responses for them. It felt nice to be contributing to the fandom in some small way and to be part of something. Then I started getting less comments and responses, even when starting something fresh. I don't know if the Exo fandom was just calming down or what but suddenly it felt like I wasn't part of something anymore and was doing something wrong somehow. I let my writing tail off.

I didnt leave kpop though. I actually got really into girl groups (Stellar, Dreamcatcher, Pink Fantasy, Blackpink). I especially like the idea of writing stuff for Dreamcatcher but I don't know if anyone would be into it. Did people just like the romantic/ stuff with my boy group fics? Would I want to write that stuff for girl groups and would I do it as well? I don't know if I should keep this account to write on or if I should start a new one for a Dreamcatcher fic.

Mostly I don't know if anyone's even around to read this and respond lol.

If any of my followers are out there still (or if you've stumbled across this some other way) please say hi or something. I hope this place is as friendly as it used to be.



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