You're Invited to Read My New CanonAu Vampire Fic (Sherlock BBC Fandom)

It's not Asian related, but I'm sharing it anyway, because I am having fun with it, and I'm proud of it.

Sherlock BBC Fandom on AO3 : 

>>>The Awakening<<<


A year, and not a whisper of Moriarty. When he's found dead on Sherlock's couch, he and John are in for a big surprise. The dead can become undead, and like attracts like.

Experiencing emotions isn't for the feint of heart, especially for a Psychopath. Moriarty, a reluctant vampire, learns this the hard way. Not only does he now feel emotions, but as a vampire they are heightened.

The government are known for weaponizing power, so Sherlock can't report Moriarty, nor will Moriarty let him. Studying a vampire is an opportunity Sherlock won't let pass, and Moriarty knows it. What can possibly go wrong when a once psychopath, new vampire with heightened emotions, and a curious to a fault sleuth, two people who once played a deadly game of cat and mouse, connect?


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ah my ship xD i'll check it out!