click your heart

Guess what? It's 12 midnight and I'm SCREECHING

As you can tell from the title it's because of "Click Your Heart". It's an interactive drama wherein you can choose how you want the story to go. The main character (Mina from AOA) can end up with ANY of the 4 main boys in the show (Juho, Chani, Dawon and Rowoon from SF9/Neoz School!!). I'm literally 5 minutes into it and I'm in love omg. I don't even watch dramas often, let alone ones with my favourite idols (excuse my aching heart), but this is way too cute to let pass. I think I might go for Dawon's plotline first because he's being so supportive and nice to Mina, whilst everyone else is just avoiding her as much as possible. I like to try the bad boy plotlines too (even tho they make me a bit uncomfy in real life otl) so I'll go for Juho later. What makes me love this show so far is that the main girl is relatable to an extent for me, and watching this is like imagining myself as the new girl in a school where everyone thinks she's bad luckโ€”even though my classmates here are mostly nice, I still can't help but feel different. And to top it all off, the rest of the members have cameos! Well I've only seen two so far (Jaeyoon and... HWIYOUNG ASDFGHJKL BBY-) but I have a feeling there'd be more. Welp, gotta go spend a few hours watching this! *is still hwiyoung trash no matter what... unless these 4 make me change my mind*

Update: Finished Dawon's route. What the fu- that was too cute. I can't with these two. Also Hwiyoung's little "accident" was just..... I loved it. I feel so bad for Rowoon tho. I must admit, I laughed when he got roasted XD. Though I wanted to see more about his achievements. Gonna do Juho now.

Update 2: JUHO'S PLOTLINE OMG. THAT WAS SO AWESOME. I would've loved to see more of bad boy Juho tho. Nonetheless, ADORABLE. "Will you have some Tteokboki with me?" That just killed me. Inseong as a cameo was cute too. Gtg do Chani this time!!

Update 3: Did Chani and Rowoon's routes! Maybe I should've done the latter first. There was a hint of angst there, but I'm glad he was okay in the end :>. I felt like it was a bit incomplete when he just waved at her, but I guess that's because the supposed ending already happened a year ago. Same with Rowoon, his plot wasn't as unusual as Chani's, but it was good nonetheless and I love how they emphasised his baseball player role more. It was cute when he was seeing things and video chatting with her too. Oh, and can't forget about Hwiyoung's precious cameo, istg he was everywhere. Overall I thought this was super adorable and unique, I just wish they used Dawon and Juho's personas more, and that they didn't end Rowoon and Chani's routes too soon, because it made it a bit lacking. I'll give it a 7/10 :).


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I know your feeling~ But I found this drama before I found out about Noez School.. So, after I watched the drama, I try to find out about them! SF9 are my bae now! ^~^