01 First time meeting

I'm selling my first kiss on eBay!
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"Buy something to eat, anything, but just don't skip lunch, or else you could get sick! I'm sorry, son, but this is all I can give you! Soon, your baba will get his first paycheck and we will finally have a better life."
It was what  Xiao Zhan's mother told him when she gave him those few money for buying something to eat, knowing that he would have to stay longer at school that day, for the martial arts training.

His mom used to give him home made sandwiches to eat at school, but after the other students laughed at him, he didn't want to take them anymore.
It was a private high school where only rich families could afford to send their kids. And the meals from the school's cafeteria were not for free.

Xiao Zhan is an obedient son who always listens to his parents, but he badly needed to drink something cold after sweating that hard, so he decided to spend that money on buying  a cold bubble tea.
The money was not enough for the food, too, but he could bear the hunger better than the thirst.
His family came to Beijing from Wuyuan, a county from Jiangxi province , not long ago.
That's why, he is a new student at this school, with no other friends than Wang ZhuoCheng and his girlfriend Xuan Lu.

Wang ZhuoCheng's father is a rich businessman, owner of  lots of restaurants.

The businessman took lunch one day in a small restaurant from Wuyuan, and he was so satisfied with the tasty and  appetizing aspect of the meal he ate there, that he took the chef to Beijing, and hired him at one of his seven star restaurants.

He gave the chef's family a house, money for the furniture and other needs for the new house.

Also, he paid the taxes to a famous school for the chef's son.

The businessman asked his son, ZhuoCheng, to take  his employee's son in his care.
That way it started a life time friendship between ZhuoCheng and Xiao Zhan, the nice, cute son of his father's employee.






Xiao Zhan's intention was to not drink his bubble tea there, inside the cafeteria, especially that a few pairs of eyes had already landed with disgust on his sweated t-shirt.
He only placed the plastic cup on one of the free tables until he would tie his shoelaces.

He was just bending  down, when suddenly his head was pushed back, and he lost his balance, falling down onto his .

How dare you place your cup on the prince's table?
This is our prince Wang Yibo's table, nobody is allowed to sit  here or use this table, but him!", a hysterical girl screamed in his face, slamming the cup onto the floor.


"What prince?
Our history teacher taught us that in the People's Republic of China, the monarchy was abolished a long time ago, so what prince are you talking about?", Xiao Zhan asked sarcastically while looking around at the group of students who were staring at him with curiosity.

Insolent bastard, do you dare to laugh at me?!", screamed again the girl, her face going purple from anger and her spit splashing the face of the girl standing next to her.

She raised an arm to slap the new student, but her wrist was grabbed by a tall, good looking  boy, popped out of nowhere:    
"That's enough, XiangCai!
Leave him alone, he is my guest, so please back off!
Everyone, please leave, I need to be alone with my guest, now!"



The tall boy bent down and wrapped Xiao Zhan's waist, lifting him up from the ground.



Xiao Zhan searched for his bubble tea, and his face went red at the sight of the wasted liquid, scattered all over the floor.

"I'm so sorry for what  happened, XiangCai is not a bad girl, just that she can't accept  a NO for an answer.
Was that cup yours?"

"Yes, it was my bubble tea, I was really thirsty.
But, whatever , I've already finished my schedule, so I'm gonna drink water when I'll arrive home, don't worry about it anymore."

"It was my fault, too, somehow, so please let me treat you with another bubble tea, or anything you want.
Anyway I intended to eat a cake, so you can keep me company.
What cake do you like?", asked the handsome boy, pumping up his cheeks in a sunny smile.

Xiao Zhan was captivated by that smile and especially by those dark, deep eyes, piercing  his heart to the bottom.


"Hey, do you hear me?
What cake would you like to eat, I mean, vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, what?", the prince repeated, wondering why  the other boy went mute.

"Oh, sorry...I like chocolate cake, but you don't need to bother.", Xiao Zhan had finally snapped out from his trance.

Xiao Zhan was not feeling too comfortable , when peeking down at his gym outfit, and comparing it with the other's expensive branded clothes.

The prince was indeed looking like a real prince, but not only because of his expensive outfit. 
What was making him even more to look like a veritable prince were his beautiful features, his imposing and  dominant stature, his  big hands with those unusually long fingers and his low, deep voice that was giving Zhan goosebumps along his arms and his back skin.



"So, tell me, who are you?", the prince asked him.

"I'm pretty much a nobody.
I'm not a prince like you are, that's for sure!", Xiao Zhan replied,  blushing hard and trying to fix somehow his crumpled t-shirt, which was anyway dirty from his training.

The prince laughed at the other's cute wittiness, melting Zhan again with his masculine voice.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am Wang Yibo and  I'm not a prince! Actually I pretty much  hate to be called like that, but I can't stop them from  giving me that title.
As for you, you don't seem to me to be a nobody.
You look like a very interesting person, your accent is interesting, too!
Why are you talking so funny, so...cute?"

"My name is Xiao Zhan, and you find my talking interesting, because I've just arrived here in Beijing, a couple of days ago, from Wuyuan. It's a county from Jiangxi province, the most beautiful countryside in China, actually.
Why are you looking at me like that, am I so incomprehensible to you?
Hello, I am from W U Y U A N!", Xiao Zhan spelled the words, thinking that the other boy didn't hear or didn't understand what he had just said.

It was Yibo's turn to stare at the bubble tea boy.

He was mesmerized with his prettiness, with those due innocent, yet seducing, eyes, and especially with his appetizing lips stretched into the most sunny smile he had ever seen.
His vision to those red, alluring lips was blocked by a hand waving in front of his face, and a voice spelling loud 'W U Y U A N' woke him up  from his contemplation.

"Yes, I know where Wuyuan is.
Our geography teacher taught us about Jiangxi, ha, ha.!", Yibo laughed again, reaching out a hand.

"Nice to meet you, Lao Wang Yibo!
May I ask you, why are people calling you the prince, not as you would  not deserve this nickname?", Xiao Zhan spoke, shaking the other's hand.

"First of all, don't call me Lao, I assume that we are the same age.
As for the prince title, I have no merit in that.
My parents are the owners of the "China.Wang.Company", the fifth richest company from our country, so everybody thinks that I expect for them to kiss my , don't understand why.", the prince bitterly smiled.

"And why do you not like for them to kiss your ?
Anyway it's a nice you have, so no wonder that they want to kiss it!", Xiao Zhan laughed with a bell-like voice, causing Yibo to laugh along.

"You are funny... And ermm...so beautiful.
I haven't had such a good time since...can't even remember since how long ago.
Everyone is looking only for money or other advantages from me, and I really liked that you were clueless about who I am, and you talked to me like talking to any common person."

"But now that I know who you are, aren't you afraid that I will try to take something from you?"

"Actually, I was just thinking about something different, for a change, to be me who will ask something from you!
Would you agree if I'd ask for your help in something?"

"What can I possibly do for you?
What can't a rich prince have without my help?"

"Peek shortly, to the window.
Do you see the girl with her nose and her palms flattened onto the window glass?
That is XiangCai, a veritable stalker.
Same girl who yelled at you a few minutes ago."

"Strange name for a strange girl!"

"Actually XiangCai is just a self-called name, I don't even know what her real name is, actually.
She found out somehow that I said once that I like coriander, so she asked the whole school to call her XiangCai (A/n: xiangcai means coriander in Chinese), even teachers do that, imagine that! 
I don't know what to do anymore.
She became more and more crazy everyday.
I even took into consideration reporting her to the police, but I feel sorry for her.
She is like my shadow, everywhere I go, and she is always calling me when I'm at home.
I tried to date other girls and parade with them on  before her eyes, but she said that she will never give up, but fight for me till I will finally fall for her."

"Poor her, and poor you!
But, how can I help you?"

"You gave me a great idea!"


"Yes, you, because you are more beautiful than she is,  more beautiful than any girl I have ever dated for getting her to accept my rejection.
And I don't think she is blind to not  understand that she can't compete with your beauty.
My idea is: allow me to kiss you, now, while she is looking at us.
She will believe that I'm gay, and I suppose that she knows that gay guys are not able to fall in love with a girl, ever.
Maybe that way she will give up on stalking me."

"What about me?
I don't want to be considered a gay person, by her or by anybody else!
I'm aware  that I can not be accepted as one of theirs, but I don't want to be hated or bullied , here in my new school.", Xiao Zhan pouted, attracting again Yibo's  gaze which plastered on his luscious pouted lips.



"Please, Lao Xiao Zhan, help me, you have in front of you a desperate man here!
After that I will take care to spread the news that  it was just a prank or something, when we kissed, but you are a really straight guy.
Or that you fulfilled a dare, a bet, or something like that, don't worry, this problem will be easy to be solved.
But XiangCai is a problem that  I've tried so many times to solve, but everything was in vain.
Only you can help me!
Last night, she almost gave me a heart attack!
The security guy who is guarding our mansion got an urgent call from the hospital that his wife gave birth, so the main gate remained unsupervised. 
Anyway, my bedroom is on the first floor and the old walnut tree from the front of the house is tall enough to reach its branches to my bedroom's window. 
It was past midnight, I was sleeping peacefully, when I heard a noise coming from my slightly cracked window.
I thought it was the wind but  when I opened my eyes, XiangCai was watching me through my window glass with her head upside down, hanging from a branch of the tree like a bat."

"Oh, dear, she is really sick.
And what have you done?", Xiao Zhan gasped in horror.

"I helped her to climb down and sent her home with a cab. What else  could I have done?
I don't know if I should tell her parents or something like that, or what else to do.

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