Human Tetris and Bed Pans

Life unlived


"Oh no," I muttered under my breath, my eyes widening in disbelief. "You're... you're drunk."

Hanbin blinked at me, his expression a mix of innocence and mischief like a mischievous child caught red-handed with a cookie jar.

"Drunk? Me?" he echoed, his words slurred as he attempted to straighten up with all the grace of a newborn fawn learning to walk. "No way, Sooyoung. I'm as sober as... as a... sober thing."

I couldn't help but groan at his feeble attempt at denial, watching in amusement as he wobbled unsteadily on his feet like a ship caught in a storm.

"See? I've got it all under control," he insisted, his voice trailing off as he took a clumsy step forward, only to trip over his own feet and land face-first on the ground with a comical thud.

As I trudged down the mountain with Hanbin draped over me like a sack of potatoes, I couldn't help but wonder how on earth I had gotten myself into this mess. The night had crept in, casting long shadows across the forest path, and here I was, playing the role of reluctant mountain rescuer to a half-conscious grown- man.

With each step, Hanbin's drunken antics seemed to escalate, as if the alcohol were just settling into his bloodstream and unleashing its full absurdity. He stumbled and slurred his words, occasionally bursting into fits of laughter at who knows what.

Meanwhile, I struggled under the weight of both Hanbin and his oversized backpack, feeling like I was single-handedly dragging a circus act down the mountain. My arms ached, my patience wore thin, and all I could do was curse my decision to ever agree to this ill-fated hike.

And to top it all off, I realized with a sinking feeling that I had no idea where Hanbin lived. With a defeated sigh, I resigned myself to the fact that there was nowhere else to go but my own home—a prospect that filled me with a sense of dread and impending doom.

"Heeeey, Soooooyoung"

Hanbin's slurred words reached my ears like a melody out of tune, each syllable drawn out and muddled by the haze of alcohol. I could feel his weight leaning heavily against me, his arm draped over my shoulder like a cumbersome accessory as he constantly bumped into me with his uncoordinated steps.

"Heeey" he sang, his voice wavering like a ship lost at sea.

"Sooooyooung," he continued, his words a drunken serenade.

"Glaaaassess? Sooooyoung, where did your glasses go?" he slurred, poking my cheek repeatedly with all the grace of a drunk puppy, occasionally poking my lips and nose. 'Oh, my dear heavens above! What have I done to deserve this?' I thought to myself, feeling the weight of the universe conspiring against me in that moment.

I sighed, bracing myself for the inevitable conversation.

"I've got Lasik done," I explained, my patience wearing thin as I tried to maintain a semblance of composure in the face of his drunken ramblings.

"Aaaah, but honestly, you looked good with glasses!" Hanbin exclaimed dramatically, his words slurring together in a comical fashion. "But you also look good without them! Reeaaally good."

"Thanks, Hanbin," I muttered through gritted teeth, my cheeks burning with embarrassment as I cursed him silently for ever thinking that drinking was a good idea.

"Sooyoung, you know?" he continued, his voice tinged with vulnerability, "I was really mad at you before, you know, back in hiiigh school because you were always really emotionless. Even if I tried to make you mad, you never CARED. I mean, who doooeess that?"

My jaw clenched as I shot him a withering glare, my eyes narrowing into slits.

"Oh, believe me, Kim Hanbin," I spat through gritted teeth, "I'm not too far off that now."

But instead of recoiling at my retort, Hanbin merely giggled, his expression morphing into one of mischievous amusement. His laughter grated on my nerves, exacerbating the simmering frustration that bubbled within me.

"And now I know it's because you have daaaaddy issues," he quipped, his words delivered with a playful lilt that grated on my already frayed nerves, his innocence showing through his oblivious grin. 

The urge to roll my eyes was overwhelming, but instead, I found myself responding with a deadpan quip, my frustration seeping into my tone, "I might just drop you down the cliff. You have a knack for falling anyway." 

For a moment, Hanbin's laughter faltered, replaced by a brief flicker of concern before he chuckled, seemingly undeterred by my threat. His carefree attitude grated on my already tattered patience, but deep down, I couldn't help but appreciate the lightness he brought to the situation, even if it was at my expense.

Hanbin grins before giggling, nodding his head, "Yeah. I guess I do. Doo doo dun doo. Here comes the sun. AND I SAAY IT'S ALRIGHT"

His eyes twinkled as he burst into song, his voice a mix of off-key notes and drunken enthusiasm. Yet, beneath his playful demeanor, I sensed a hint of something deeper, something he wasn't quite expressing. 

Finally arriving by the door of my apartment after an hour or so pulling a limp gorilla over me, I sighed in relief as Hanbin's drunk antics seemed to have settled a little. Stepping inside with a huff, I dropped the man on my floor in the living room and stretched my back with a groan. 

"Owie!" Hanbin whined from the floor, his voice muffled by the carpet, and I couldn't help but sigh, wondering how I ended up in this absurd situation. As I plopped down on the couch, I stared at the ceiling, contemplating my next move. Here I was, with a man I barely knew sprawled out on my floor, and no clear way of getting him home.

Hanbin was like a blast from the past, a random figure from my history who seemed determined to turn my life upside down. Yet, despite the chaos he brought, there was an odd comfort in his presence, as if he belonged here in some twisted way. I couldn't help but wonder what our relationship was if it could even be defined as one.

His penchant for dragging me into wild adventures made me question his motives. Was he just trying to spice up his own life, or did he genuinely care about mine? The thought lingered in my mind, nagging at me as I tried to make sense of it all.

At one point, I entertained the idea that we were nothing more than friends with benefits, but the notion was quickly dismissed with a shake of my head. No, we were more like acquaintances with adventurous profits, I corrected myself with a chuckle, nodding at the absurdity of my own thoughts.

"Sooyoung," Hanbin whined, his cheeks puffing as he squished them against the floor. I sighed, acknowledging his complaint with a noncommittal hum.

"I think I might've sprained something," he continued, his voice muffled by the carpet. I couldn't help but scoff at his dramatics.

"You sprained your dignity, maybe," I quipped, unable to resist teasing him even in his moment of supposed pain. Suddenly, he sat up, fixing me with a serious gaze.

"Hey, Sooyoung," he said, his words still slurring slightly, but his expression surprisingly stern and earnest, "you should never let a strange man into your home just like that."

His sudden shift to seriousness caught me off guard, and I blinked in surprise before scoffing.

"Coming from the man currently sprawled on my floor," I countered, "that's rich."

He nodded as if my words were truly enlightening. Pulling out his phone, he held it close to his face, squinting through the blurriness of his vision. "We should call Jiwon."

At the mention of the name, my interest was piqued, and I raised an eyebrow. "Jiwon? Is that your girlfriend?"

His brows quickly furrowed before he shook his head furiously. An almost too sweet of a grin spread on his lips as he drawled, "Nooooo, Jiwon is my boy... friend."

I blinked, processing his words slowly. Did he just say 'boyfriend'? My mind raced, considering the implications of what he had just revealed. Was Hanbin... gay? The realization left me feeling oddly perplexed. It wasn't that I had any issue with Hanbin's ual orientation; it was just the unexpected nature of the revelation that caught me off guard. After all, he had always struck me as the quintessential ladies' man, charming and flirtatious in equal measure.

But then again, I had learned long ago not to make assumptions about people based on appearances alone. Perhaps there was more to Hanbin than met the eye, layers of complexity hidden beneath his easygoing demeanor. Shaking off my surprise, I offered Hanbin a smile, "Sounds like a good idea."

I watched with a mix of curiosity and concern as Hanbin tapped away on his phone, his expression shifting from mild annoyance to something darker. When a notification pinged, indicating a new message, his features contorted into a sour expression, his eyes briefly clouding over with a hint of bitterness before he resumed tapping on his phone.

As he brought the phone to his cheek, holding it upside down in a moment of absentmindedness, I couldn't help but stifle a chuckle at his antics. It was a small, endearing reminder of Hanbin's quirky personality, a fleeting glimpse of the playful side hidden beneath his usual facade of confidence.

"Jiiiiwon," he sang, his words trailing off in a drunken drawl, "come an' get me at Sooyoung's place. Huh? No, not my place! You know, Sooyoung's place! The address is... uh... right here in Seoul. Yeah, just follow the sound of my melodious voice. You can't miss it!"

As I listened to Hanbin's futile attempt to communicate our whereabouts, I couldn't help but sigh, realizing that the phone call was going absolutely nowhere. With an exasperated shake of my head, I pushed Hanbin gently to the floor, eliciting a grunt from him, before deftly snatching his phone and placing it to my ear.

"Hello, this is Sooyoung speaking," I announced, my tone a mix of annoyance and amusement as I braced myself for whatever chaos awaited on the other end of the line.

"Uh, hello?" the deep voice on the other line answered, confirming that it indeed was a man. I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief at the sound of a coherent voice, though it was clear that this conversation was far from ordinary.

"Hi. Would you mind coming to get your boyfriend from my floor?" I asked with a sigh, my patience hanging by a thread as I braced myself for the response.

To my dismay, the man on the other end of the line suddenly erupted into laughter, the sound echoing through the phone and into my already chaotic apartment.

"Is that so?" he managed to choke out between giggles, his amusement only adding to my exasperation. "Sure, I'll get him for you."

Finally, the doorbell rang, announcing the arrival of my unexpected savior. With a mixture of anticipation and dread, I swung the door open to reveal a man who looked like he had stepped straight out of a hip-hop music video. Jiwon's small eyes widened as he took in the sight of Hanbin sprawled on my floor, his expression a mixture of amusement and disbelief before he laughed, wiping a tear from his eyes, "B.I, you actual fool."

"Hyung!" Hanbin gasped as he heard the familiar voice, his drunk grin widening as he struggled to sit up. "What a surprise! What are you doing here?"

Sighing, I shook my head in resignation as Jiwon stepped into the room, effortlessly hoisting Hanbin to his feet and throwing his arm around his own neck for support. With a sheepish smile, Jiwon turned to me, bowing slightly in apology, pulling Hanbin's wobbly head down with him. 

"I'm sorry for the trouble," he apologized, his voice carrying a mix of amusement and resignation as he struggled to keep Hanbin upright. "Thanks for looking after him."

"Sadly, I have no choice," I sighed dramatically, feeling like the reluctant protagonist in a comedy of errors. But then again, wasn't that just the way life worked sometimes? I had promised my oath to help those in need, and apparently, that included drunken former high school bullies.

With a mix of amusement and resignation, I escorted the pair to the door, wondering what other unexpected adventures awaited me in the days to come.

"By the way, Miss." Jiwon called as he turned around with Hanbin flopping like a handkerchief over his shoulder, "I'm not Hanbin's boyfriend. He seems to actually be chronically single." 

I blinked in surprise, feeling a pang of embarrassment wash over me as I realized my assumption had been completely off the mark. So much for my detective skills. I guess I'll have to add 'improve gaydar' to my to-do list. I raised an eyebrow, a smirk growing on my face at the comment, "Is that so?"

Hanbin's sudden raise of head caught me off guard, his expression shifting from lost to serious in an instant. His frown and pouting lips reminded me of a disgruntled cat as he hissed, adding a touch of absurdity to the scene.

"Hyung! Her name is Sooyoung! Pretty Sooyoung!" he protested, his words slurring slightly from the alcohol but carrying a surprising earnestness. Hanbin's unexpected defense of my honor left me momentarily speechless, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment at the unexpected compliment. Even in his inebriated state, his words carried a surprising sincerity that caught me off guard.

"Oh, she's pretty alright," Jiwon chimed in with a teasing wink, further fueling my embarrassment as I fought to maintain a composed facade. Inside, however, I was cringing so hard I feared my face might permanently freeze in a contorted expression of mortification. Hanbin's giggles only added to the hilarity of the moment, his drunken antics somehow endearing despite the chaos they had caused. Smiling, Jiwon offered a small wave, "We'll get going now, Pretty Sooyoung."

As Jiwon and Hanbin made their exit, I couldn't help but feel like my entire apartment was pulsating with the lingering echo of embarrassment. My cheeks were still aflame, and I was sure that if anyone looked closely, they could see the sheer mortification etched on my face.

"And I like it when she calls me by my name!" Hanbin's voice rang out from the hallway, his words carrying a surprising clarity amidst his drunken haze. I couldn't decide if I should be relieved that he hadn't called me by some new embarrassing nickname or even more embarrassed by his proclamation.

Before I could gather my thoughts, Hanbin launched into yet another impromptu serenade, his off-key rendition echoing off the walls of my apartment. I could only shake my head in disbelief, resigning myself to the absurdity of the night.

"Well, that's one way to end the night," I muttered to myself, the remnants of my embarrassment slowly morphing into bemusement as I listened to Hanbin's drunken melody fade into the distance.


"Thank you, nurse" my older patient said with gratitude. I smiled, wiping the sweat off my forehead after almost breaking my back to turn her in bed to place a bedpan under her . 

"No problem! Just ring the alarm whenever you need me again." I said cheerfully as I stepped out from the curtains and turned around.

My back ached as I stepped out from behind the curtains, my cheerful facade faltering the moment I was out of sight. I hoped to every deity I could think of that the elderly patient wouldn't ring for me again. It felt like the sixth or seventh time I had to maneuver the bedpan under the woman's heavy backside, and each time was more physically taxing than the last. As I walked down the hallway, I couldn't help but wonder if my job description included "professional weightlifter" now. The thought of having to endure another round of bedpan duty for the sixth time was enough to make me consider a career change into something less... fecally focused.

"Sooyoung," Mrs. Jung's voice echoed from the nurses' station like a chirpy alarm clock on a Saturday morning, peeking her small head from behind the desk as she grins widely, "You're free to take a break now, darling!"

Darling. Right. Because spending the last 4 hours playing human Tetris with bedpans was such a darling experience.

Suppressing a sarcastic chuckle, I gave Mrs. Jung a tired smile and a grateful nod before bowing out of the emergency department. As I trudged toward the hospital lobby, my mind drifted to the plans I had made with my sister for the lunch break. A rare chance to escape the monotony of hospital life (and spontaneous adventures) and indulge in some much-needed sibling bonding.

As I settled into one of the lobby's uncomfortable plastic chairs, I pulled out my phone to check the time, only to be greeted by a barrage of notifications. Thirty-two missed calls from an unknown number stared back at me, their glowing screens taunting me with their unanswered urgency. I furrowed my brow in confusion, wondering who could possibly be trying to reach me with such relentless determination - especially during my precious few moments of freedom.

"Sooyoung!" My sister's excited voice echoed through the hospital lobby, drawing my attention away from my phone. I quickly tucked it back into my pocket, ready to greet her with a smile and a wave. But before I could even lift my hand, my heart leaped into my throat as I felt myself being hoisted into the air, my surroundings suddenly tilting at a precarious angle. Before I could even process what was happening, I found myself unceremoniously thrown over someone's shoulder, my yelp of surprise echoing through the hospital lobby. 

"Hey! Help! Put me down!" I screamed, my voice echoing off the sterile hospital walls, as I thrashed around in a futile attempt to break free from the iron grip that held me captive. But instead of a response to my plea, all I heard was a familiar chuckle—a chuckle that sent a shiver of dread down my spine. What. The. .

With a mounting sense of disbelief, I turned my head to catch a glimpse of the backside of the culprit. My eyes widened in utter shock as recognition dawned upon me. No way, I thought to myself, my mind struggling to comprehend the surreal scene unfolding before me. Forget my oath, I mentally vowed, my imagination conjuring up all manner of violent retribution. I will literally tear this man's head off his shoulders!

"Hanbin!" I gasped, my voice a mixture of incredulity and indignation, as I struggled to process what on earth was happening.

"This is what you get for ignoring my calls!" Hanbin's laughter echoed through the hospital lobby, his tone filled with mischievous amusement as he continued to stride confidently towards the exit, with me dangling like a ragdoll over his shoulder. In the distance, I could still hear my sister's yelps and screams, her voice a mix of concern and disbelief.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I yelped as my limbs flailed helplessly as I tried to regain control of the situation, but Hanbin's grip was firm and unyielding.

He only clicked his tongue, smirking mischievously, "Can't you tell? I'm kidnapping you."

"What?!" I screamed, my panic escalating as the reality of the situation sank in. I glanced back at my sister, her expression a mix of horror and disbelief as she watched the scene unfold. In the distance, she appeared to be on the verge of fainting, her hands clutching at her chest in a dramatic display of distress.

"Oh my god! A tall, good-looking man just kidnapped my sister!" her panicked voice echoed through the hospital lobby, drawing the attention of nearby staff and patients alike. The absurdity of the situation only added to my growing sense of dread, as I wondered what kind of chaos Hanbin would drag me into this time.

Soojin paused for a moment, her face contorting from shock to confusion as she repeated, "A tall, good-looking man just kidnapped my sister?"

But then, as if a switch had been flipped, her pale face flushed with excitement, her eyes sparkling with glee. She began clapping and bouncing around like she'd just won the lottery.

"Oh my god! A TALL, GOOD-LOOKING MAN JUST KIDNAPPED MY SISTER!" she exclaimed, her grin threatening to split her face in two. Trust my big sister to save her only little sister from potential danger. Soojin, the ever-caring sibling of mine, latched onto a bewildered passerby and danced around in triumph as I watched her in disbelief.

"Soojin!" I hissed, unable to contain my astonishment and betrayal. Seriously, of all the people to find amusement in my predicament, it had to be her. As Soojin continued her celebratory jumping, she fumbled with her phone, tapping away furiously as she dialed a number.

"MRS. JUNG! A TALL, GOOD-LOOKING MAN JUST KIDNAPPED SOOYOUNG!" she practically screamed into the phone, her enthusiasm practically oozing through the receiver.

I groaned, feeling like the reluctant star of a bizarre sitcom as Hanbin skipped away, his laughter trailing behind him like a mischievous shadow. It was as if I were the grand prize of an arcade claw machine, and he had just won the jackpot.

Now sitting in the front seat of the car, my arms crossed in a mixture of annoyance and resignation, I watched Hanbin tap his fingers happily to the music blaring from the radio. His carefree demeanor only served to heighten my irritation. 

"Hey, just a friendly reminder that I'm supposed to be working right now," I interjected, my tone laced with irritation. He snickered, a teasing smirk evident on his (ugh, handsome - don't tell Soojin I said that) face as he briefly glanced at me with a raised eyebrow. 

"As if you actually wanna go back to wipe some old lady's ," he remarked with a chuckle. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his jest. Sure, he had a point—I wasn't exactly thrilled about returning to that particular task. But admitting it to him? Not a chance.

"Can we at least agree on a destination before you embark on your impromptu kidnapping spree?" I quipped, my voice laced with playful sarcasm. Hanbin's grin widened, his teeth gleaming like polished pearls under the sunlight, momentarily dazzling me. Surprised by the unexpected flutter in my chest, I fought to maintain my composure. With a playful pop of his lush, plump, pink lips, Hanbin responded.

"Nope," his mischievous grin grew even wider before he added, excitement dancing in his eyes like mischievous sprites. "It's a surprise,"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his response, a mixture of annoyance and curiosity bubbling within me.

"Of course, it's a surprise," I muttered, my voice heavy with sarcasm. With Hanbin, there was never a dull moment, that was for sure. 

An hour or so went by as I continued staring out of the window, watching as the tall, concrete jungle slowly disappeared to the natural elements of trees, stones, and the gentle sky. 

"UGH! I hate driving!" Hanbin groaned, his one hand resting on the wheel, the veins on his forearm popping out with each turn as if they were putting on a show just for me. Oh, it was every nurse's dream. Those veins were practically begging for a cannula to penetrate them, their prominence an irresistible temptation for any nurse. I could practically feel the fantasy of drawing blood coursing through my mind, the thought alone enough to make me e. 

Catching me my lips, Hanbin's eyebrows furrowed as he glanced at me weirdly, "What?"

"Oh, nothing," I replied nonchalantly, refusing to let him see the secret desires lurking beneath my poker face. After all, a nurse must maintain her professionalism, even in the face of temptation. Also, I would rather die than let Hanbin know that I had practically lusted for him... Errr, his veins, I mean. Hoping my blush wasn't too obvious, I continued after clearing my throat, "Just thinking about how much I'd rather be anywhere else right now."

Balls deep into those veins, that is- AHEM. 

"Right," Hanbin replied, though there was a hint of amusement in his tone as he focused back on the road. I mentally cursed myself for the slip-up, but then quickly reminded myself to stay focused. No matter how enticing those veins might be, getting distracted by Hanbin's anatomy certainly wasn't a part of my plan. Chuckling, Hanbin remarked, "Anyway, whatever dirty things you were thinking about my arms, save it for the ride back home. We're here."

As Hanbin pulled the car to a stop, I blinked, momentarily taken aback by his comment. Did he really just say that? Heat rushed to my cheeks as I sputtered incoherently, trying to come up with a response.

"W-Wha-?" I stuttered incredulously. But before I could gather my thoughts, Hanbin had already hopped out of the car, leaving me to scramble after him, my mind still reeling from his unexpected remark. As he ran to my side of the car, he opened the door for me with a mischievous smile dancing on his lips, his outstretched hand an invitation to join him in his impromptu adventure.

"My lady," he declared with a mockingly formal bow, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

Rolling my eyes at his poor attempt at acting like a gentleman, I took his hand, letting him help me out. As I stepped out of the car, the salty breeze immediately swept through my hair, and the sound of crashing waves filled the air. Blinking in surprise, I turned to face Hanbin, who was grinning like a child who had just pulled off the ultimate prank.

"The beach?" I said, my disbelief evident in my tone as I surveyed the golden sands and sparkling ocean stretching out before us. It was an unexpected choice, to say the least, and I couldn't help but wonder what mischief Hanbin had in store for us now.

"The beach?" he repeated dramatically, feigning shock as if my reaction was the most outrageous thing he'd ever heard. "No, Sooyoung. That's not how you say it,"

With exaggerated flair, he grabbed me by my shoulders, spinning me around to face the vast expanse of blue before us. The waves crashed melodically against the shore, the sun casting a golden hue across the horizon. "It's the beach! YAY!"

As Hanbin basked in the glory of his dramatic reveal, I couldn't help but chuckle at his over-the-top antics. Despite my initial skepticism, I found myself intrigued by his spontaneous gesture.

"So, what's the plan?" I asked, unable to contain my curiosity as I turned to face him. With a mischievous sparkle in his eyes, Hanbin's grin widened as he clasped my hand in his, a habit he seemed to have picked up, his touch sending a jolt of warmth through me.

"The plan is we have fun!" he chirped enthusiastically, his excitement contagious.

Before I could even process his words, he took off running, pulling me along in his wake as I stumbled to keep up, yelping in surprise. As we dashed across the sand, I couldn't help but laugh at the sheer absurdity of the moment, feeling the rush of adrenaline mingled with the flutter of something resembling excitement in my chest. 

As we raced across the beach, the wind whipping through my hair, I couldn't help but feel exhilarated by the spontaneity of it all. Hanbin's laughter rang out beside me, infectious and carefree, as he left behind the worries of the world for a moment of pure joy. Suddenly, Hanbin came to a skidding halt, sending grains of sand flying in every direction. With a mischievous grin, he turned to me, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Race you to the water!" he challenged, already darting towards the waves with the enthusiasm of a child. As I watched Hanbin dart towards the waves with the energy of a kid on a sugar rush, a grin unknowingly spread across my face. He looked so carefree, so alive, like nothing in the world could touch him. The warm sun kissed his wet skin, casting a soft glow that made him look like he was shimmering under its rays, almost like Edward Cullen in those vampire movies. Despite my hesitation, I couldn't deny how beautiful he looked in that moment.

"But my scrubs!" I cried out, my voice echoing with a hint of panic. Deep down, it wasn't just about the risk of ruining my work attire, or the fact that I had left the older patient sitting on the bedpan. There was something else holding me back, something deeper and more personal. As much as I longed to join Hanbin in the water, to feel the rush of the waves against my skin and the warmth of the sun on my face, a nagging sense of apprehension lingered within me.

What if I let go and embraced this moment of spontaneity, only to regret it later? What if I allowed myself to be swept away by the excitement of the beach, only to be reminded of the responsibilities and obligations waiting for me back on dry land?

Hanbin paused, the playful glint in his eyes softening into a warm, reassuring gaze. In that fleeting moment, it felt as though he could peer beyond the surface, delving into the depths of my soul with a single glance. His eyes, so full of understanding and empathy, seemed to see through the facade I had carefully constructed, laying bare the insecurities and fears that lay hidden within.

It was as though he could sense the weight of my worries, the burden of my doubts, with nothing more than a look. In his gaze, I found a sense of solace, a reassurance that I wasn't alone in my struggles, that someone truly understood the turmoil churning within me.

With each step he took back to shore, it was as if he was guiding me through my fears with his gentle presence alone. He stopped in front of me, his smile seeming to convey a silent invitation, an unspoken promise that everything would be alright. Gently, he reached for my clenched hand, his touch tender yet firm. 

"What did I tell you, Sooyoung?" he asked, his tone carrying a quiet conviction, yet filled with warmth and understanding. His voice, soft and soothing, washed over me like a gentle breeze, calming the storm of doubts and worries swirling within. In that moment, it was as if his words were a lifeline, grounding me in the present and urging me to let go of my fears and uncertainties. His body was so close that I could feel his wet clothes latch onto my dry ones, his face just mere inches from my own. Despite the closeness, I couldn't seem to pull away. 

As his gentle gaze met mine, I found myself drawn into the depths of his soulful eyes, feeling a sense of connection that transcended mere words. His plump lips parted, a murmur escaping his lips so softly it sounded like a whisper, his voice a gentle melody that stirred something deep within me. "Live a little. Trust me."

In that moment, with the cool ocean breeze caressing our skin and the rhythmic sound of the waves as our backdrop, it was as if time stood still. His proximity, his unwavering assurance, it all seemed to melt away the barriers I had built around myself, leaving me vulnerable yet strangely liberated.

With a silent nod, I took a deep breath, allowing his words to resonate within me. It was time to let go of my fears, to embrace the spontaneity and joy that Hanbin seemed to embody so effortlessly. 

With a gentle step backward, Hanbin retreated into the shallows, inviting me to join him in the embrace of the cool, refreshing waves. Slowly, cautiously, I followed his lead, feeling the icy touch of the water enveloping my feet as I ventured deeper into the shallows.

Each step forward felt like a leap of faith, a surrender to the unknown, yet with Hanbin by my side, the journey felt less daunting. His presence beside me was a comforting anchor, grounding me amidst the ebb and flow of uncertainty.

With a gaze that seemed to pierce through the depths of my soul, Hanbin's dark eyes held a silent promise, a reassurance that if whatever might happen, he would be there beside me. Suddenly, his strong arms enveloped me in a comforting embrace, drawing me close to his wet, glistening form. At that moment, as our bodies pressed together, I felt a surge of warmth and connection unlike anything I had ever experienced before.

Without a word, Hanbin leaned back, pulling me gently with him as we sank into the cool embrace of the deep waters. The sensation of weightlessness enveloped us, and for a fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still. All around us, the world faded away, leaving only the two of us suspended in a sea of tranquil azure.

As we descended further into the depths, I felt a sense of liberation wash over me, a freedom from the constraints of doubt and fear. With each passing moment, the water seemed to cleanse away the worries that had weighed heavy on my heart, leaving only a profound sense of peace in its wake.

In that moment, suspended between the depths below and the light above, I knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, I would face them with courage and determination, for I was not alone. With Hanbin by my side, I was ready to brave the unknown and embrace the adventure that awaited us.


With a groan, Hanbin's eyes fluttered open, greeted by the blinding brightness of what seemed to be a spotlight. The pounding ache in his head matched the chaotic symphony of his thoughts as he struggled to piece together the events of the previous night.

"Good morning, sweetheart!" Jiwon's voice, low and playful, shattered the silence, causing Hanbin to jolt upright in alarm. His heart raced as he found himself face to face with Jiwon, their proximity sending a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Hanbin yelped, his voice cracking from the dryness of his throat. His mind raced with questions, his senses overwhelmed by the unfamiliar surroundings and the unexpected presence of his friend.

Jiwon's laughter reverberated off the studio walls, filling the space with a contagious energy. He watched with amusement as Hanbin, disoriented and bewildered, scrambled to make sense of his surroundings. Hanbin's eyes darted around the room - his music studio - panic mounting with each passing second.

"W-What's going on?" Hanbin stammered, his voice betraying a mixture of confusion and apprehension. He attempted to sit up, only to be met with a sharp pang in his head that quickly reminded him of the night's indulgence. Groaning, he sank back onto the couch, his hand instinctively reaching for his temple.

As the haze of the previous night began to lift, Hanbin's gaze settled on Jiwon, who was doubled over in his chair, clutching his sides with laughter with his phone still flashing in Hanbin's face as he filmed the tragedy happening.

"Okay, seriously, what happened?" Hanbin demanded, his tone a mix of exasperation and urgency, "Where is Sooyoung?"

Jiwon finally managed to compose himself, wiping away tears of mirth before meeting Hanbin's gaze with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

"Ah, you mean Pretty Sooyoung?" he teased, unable to contain his amusement. Eyes widening, Hanbin's eyes seemed to darken in horror. 

"Jiwon," Hanbin growled threateningly, causing Jiwon to burst out laughing again. 

"Pretty Sooyoung is at home, probably crying her big, pretty eyes out," Jiwon cackled like a hen giving birth to its third egg of the day. Jiwon's cackling reached new heights, echoing off the studio walls like a symphony of madness. His laughter was infectious, filling the room with a chaotic energy that seemed to dance around Hanbin's mounting frustration. With each snicker, Hanbin's glare intensified, his patience wearing thin like a string stretched to its breaking point. He launched forward, grabbing Jiwon by the collar in an iron fist. 

"Tell me," Hanbin demanded, his voice low and menacing, his knuckles turning white from the force of his grip. Unfazed by Hanbin's sudden aggression, Jiwon maintained his playful demeanor, a smirk dancing across his lips.

"Oh, but baby, I did nothing. You were the one who broke her heart, you playboy" Jiwon teased, his tone dripping with mischief as he watched Hanbin's expression shift from anger to confusion. The color drained from Hanbin's face, his stupefaction palpable as he struggled to comprehend Jiwon's words.

"What?" Hanbin's voice cracked, a hint of disbelief coloring his words as he struggled to make sense of Jiwon's cryptic statement. Jiwon's smirk widened at Hanbin's perplexed expression, his eyes gleaming with mischief as he leaned back in his chair, seemingly enjoying Hanbin's confusion a little too much.

"Ah, don't you remember, sweetie pie?" Jiwon teased, his voice laced with amusement. "Pretty Sooyoung was pretty convinced last night that I was your loving boyfriend."

Hanbin's face turned a shade of red that rivaled a ripe tomato as he stared at Jiwon in utter mortification. His mind raced with the embarrassing memories of his drunken confessions from the night before.

"Please tell me you're joking," he groaned, his voice muffled as he buried his face in his hands, unable to bear the humiliation of his own actions. Jiwon's laughter only added fuel to the fire of Hanbin's embarrassment, leaving him to wallow in regret.

"Oh, and there's more!" Jiwon teased with amusement, enjoying his friend's demise way too much. Not being able to hear anymore, Hanbin immediately shot up from the couch, stumbling towards the door to leave. 

"I don't want to hear it!" Hanbin retorted, his steps quickening as he made a beeline for the exit.

"Wait! Where are you going? You'll miss the best part!" Jiwon called after him, his voice barely containing his mirth.

"I'm going to find a shovel and bury myself alive," Hanbin declared, his tone dripping with defeat as he disappeared out the door, leaving Jiwon to chuckle to himself in the wake of his friend's embarrassment.

"But you still have a track to finish!"

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