part one

just the two of us, mister (im)perfect


The following fic is 100% complete with 4 planned chapters: Chapter 1, Interlude, Chapter 2, and the Epilogue.

I am only staggering the posting of the chapters for my ease, and to make some last edits.

To be frank, Kim Jongdae had a rough childhood. Not in a “divorced parents” or “constantly moving” sort of way; more of a “his life was planned down to the tiniest detail” sort of way. The second his parents found out about his existence, Jongdae’s entire life journey was set in stone, from his birth to his schooling to his marriage to his death. Another alpha poster child to be used for climbing the corporate social ladder. 

Then he presented at the grand ol’ age of twelve. To his parents’ utter delight, Jongdae awoke to the flushed beginnings of a lovely heat rather than a rut. 

The moment he emerged from his bedroom three days after the ordeal, he was greeted with his parents’ hardened eyes and pointed frowns, his brother’s pain-stricken expression. 

“You left us with unfortunate circumstances,” they said. “Plans must be rearranged.” 

That was the first time he messed up. With the weight of disappointment and shame in his chest, he vowed never again. He had to be perfect. 

He choked down his protests when they pushed him toward etiquette lessons and marriage plans. He bit his tongue when they forced him to move schools, to one that was more suited for his . The best omega boarding school in Los Angeles if he wasn’t mistaken. It didn’t matter what Jongdae wanted in the end. He couldn’t disappoint his family again. 

Jongdae couldn’t afford to step out of line. Not again. 



All he had to do was survive for one more year. One more year until graduation before he could leave this place behind. Sure, the academy was the best omega boarding school in the world—his parents made sure of it—but that couldn’t erase the utter hell that Jongdae suffered through the last three years. 

The hell of being constantly reminded of his failure. The hell of the constant exposure to the temporary packs his classmates formed to support each other through school, seeing their happy faces throughout the halls each day. 

Omega this. Packbond that. Jongdae, why are you so alone. Yada yada yada. 

He couldn’t stand it anymore, the loneliness, the emptiness. 

One more year and it would be behind him. Until then, he was tired. 



Tues, Aug 28, 01:23 
(To: 민형) i hate it here hyung 01:23
(To: 민형) i want to go home 01:25
(From: 민형) I know you do. 01:30 
(From: 민형) But when you come home,,, you know what awaits you instead. 01:35 
(To: 민형) why cant i just live with you 01:36
민형 is typing… 
민형 is typing… 
(From: 민형) I wish things were that simple Dae. 01:46
Read 01:46  



Jongdae was straight-up not having a good day. His phone refused to charge last night so he didn’t wake up to his normal alarm. In his rush to get ready, he forgot to print his lab report for chemistry, knowing fully well that he had the class first thing in the morning. As if things couldn’t get any worse, he forgot to finish his reading assignment despite knowing he had a quiz on the section later that day. 

So yes, Jongdae was not having a good day. 

He was honestly surprised that he didn’t seem more frazzled when he first entered the classroom, only slightly winded after running to the library to print his report. For once, he was thankful that many of his classmates arrived at class barely on time. There were only a few groups of students milling around before the bell to see his blunder. He bolted straight to his seat to contemplate how he was going to tackle the rest of his day when he overheard a group of guys talking about a “new transfer student.” 

A transfer student? In the middle of September? 

While interesting, that particular bit of news slipped Jongdae’s mind as he frantically attempted to finish reading all 170 pages of his reading assignment before his quiz. Come third period, Jongdae failed to notice the commotion around him as he entered the classroom, eyes skimming over the last 10 pages. He wordlessly sat in his seat at the front and waited for his doom to begin. At the faint sound of the bell beneath all the commotion of the English classroom, he set his book down in defeat and shifted his attention to the teacher’s desk. 

He should have used Sparkno—Oh. Oh.

At the front of the classroom, there was the most beautiful person Jongdae had ever seen in his life. No joke. For a moment, time stopped. He could only focus on the boy in the front. The pounding of his rapidly beating heart and the incessant chatter of the classroom faded away as Jongdae’s attention honed in on the boy. 

It was not fair that someone could look this cute in a school uniform. Scratch that. It was unfair that someone could look this cute in general. A tuft of soft-looking caramel locks settled on the boy’s head. He had the smoothest of skin, no blemishes in sight, with his cheeks the colour of pale roses. Yet most strikingly, he had the most innocent-looking eyes that vaguely reminded Jongdae of a small puppy. They glanced at the faces of the room, settling on no one in particular. 

Taking it all in, Jongdae’s throat hitched, mouth becoming dry. Nothing in this room mattered more than the boy in the front. Never in his life had he experienced something like this. 

He was jerked out of his stupor as the boy started to move toward the back of the room, away from Jongdae. The new guy settled in the seat next to a kind omega named Wendy. Damn it, he scolded himself. He missed his name. Wonderful. 

Safe to say, Jongdae definitely bombed that quiz. 



The day went on and Jongdae still didn’t know the pretty brunet’s name. 

By the time lunch came around, Jongdae resigned himself to never knowing. Oh well… 

Typically, he would sit at the back table and eat his lunch in peace, away from everyone else. He had no pack and he had no friends. People more or less found him stiff for their liking. Whether it was for better or for worse, he didn’t know, nor did he care.

As usual, Jongdae sat at the back and began to eat his lunch. He was five minutes into his meal before he heard someone clear their throat behind him. At first, he didn’t acknowledge the sound, not thinking that the noise was directed towards him. It was at the second “ahem” that Jongdae finally turned his head. When he did, his jaw dropped to the floor before he hurried to compose himself. 

It was the pretty brunet from this morning, holding a tray of cafeteria food and still looking as radiant as ever, albeit a little embarrassed. “Can I sit here?” The brunet asked in a surprising honey-like voice. He looked around before gesturing to the place in front of Jongdae. “There’s no other seat…” 

Jongdae blinked before swallowing his food. “Go ahead.” He fumbled as he slid his tray closer to himself, giving the individual in front of him more room. The boy gave him a slight smile and set his tray on the grey surface. They sat in relative silence, the occasional clink of their utensils filling the void. 

To put it simply, it was awkward. For both of them, Jongdae assumed. 

He wasn’t used to company. These days, he preferred the lack thereof, other than the company of his brother of course. The presence of people kept reminding him of everything he was not: perfect. He didn’t like the feeling, the vulnerability. It was a dangerous thing to let himself loose in the company of others. Jongdae could not afford that misstep. 

However, the boy in front of him—ethereal beauty and all—kept tearing down his walls. He didn’t know what to do. 

What does he do? What would Hyung do? 

He didn't need to do anything, in fact. Taking the initiative, the boy himself asked, “Your name is Jongdae, right?” 

Panicked, his eyes widened in surprise and slight terror. How… 

The brunet gestured to the student I.D. hanging by Jongdae’s shirt pocket, his school picture and name public to the world. (Oh crap. He forgot he had a perm when he took his I.D. picture. That look was not it.) 

If Jongdae could smack his forehead at that moment, he honestly would. However, that would tarnish his already nonexistent reputation with the pretty brunet even further. How could he be so oblivious? 

Don’t get him wrong. On the inside, he was very much freaking out and screaming. Externally, on the other hand, Jongdae blushed a tremendous red, akin to that of a ripe tomato. He could have saved himself the trouble of figuring out the brunet’s name by simply glancing at the other’s ID.

That would have been the simple solution. 

However, it seemed as though the universe was not on his side today or any day, as a matter of fact. The boy’s I.D. seemed to be missing from its place clipped on the other’s pocket. He just wanted to know his name, Jongdae whined in his head. Must you be so rude, universe? 

Sensing his blatantly obvious confusion, the boy answered Jongdae’s burning questions. His hands drifting to rub the back of his neck, the brunet sheepishly said, “I accidentally left my card in my dorm. Admin let me off easy this one time since I just… got… here…” He trailed off. 

Not sure what to say, Jongdae replied, “Don’t worry. Everyone does it once in their life.” 

Wait. Was that the wrong thing to say? 

He braced himself for the worst. However, instead of a face of discomfort, the brunet did something that Jongdae did not expect in the slightest. He smiled. Not an obnoxiously wide smile, but a slight smile upturning the edges of his lips. If it was possible, his eyes turned warmer and brighter. “Thanks!” 

Oh, damn it. Jongdae turned to jelly. 

And he still didn’t know his name. 

Before he could utter a word, the bell rang, signalling the end of lunch. 

Great. He lost his chance. 

The two omegas cleaned up their trays and trash. Jongdae hoped that the other boy did not notice his sluggishness. After cleaning up their mess, Jongdae gave the other omega a polite smile, thanking him for his company. Successfully concealing his self-disappointment, the other returned his sweet, yet strained smile. 

As they were about to depart to their next class, the brunet’s eyes widened and he paused. 

“I almost forgot.” He turned to Jongdae and said, “The name’s Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun. It was nice meeting you, Jongdae.” 

With that, the brunet—Baekhyun—smiled yet again before turning to the other hallway. 

Too. Bright. 

Still stunned, Jongdae just stood in the hallway. The idea of being tardy to his next class fell into the back of his mind. He couldn’t explain the sudden warmth or satisfaction he felt when Baekhyun bade him adieu. He’ll ask his brother about it later. Probably. 

As he strolled to his next class, Jongdae’s steps were noticeably more upbeat and he was left with one thought: Baekhyun… That’s a nice name. 



Mon, Sep 24, 15:02  
(To: 민형) hyung 15:02  
(To: 민형) hyung 15:02 
(To: 민형) hyung 15:02  
(To: 민형) hyung 15:03 
(To: 민형) i think 15:03 
(To: 민형) i just made a friend 15:03 
(From: 민형) A friend? Now? Finally? Do I need to hold a party for you? Lol 16:21  
(To: 민형) NO 16:22  
(To: 민형) NO NO 16:22 
(From: 민형) Okay. Fine. Seriously tho, what type of person has my little brother found *worthy* of his time? 16:30 
You are typing… 
(To: 민형) His name is Baekhyun… 16:35 



A couple of months had passed and Baekhyun had trickled through Jongdae’s walls, becoming a permanent fixture in his life. It was strange, to say the least. There was not anything particular about this omega, yet he managed to squeeze through the cracks. Not that he’d ever admit this out loud to any living soul, but Jongdae liked it. 

Slowly but surely, Jongdae’s world of grey and loneliness was painted with colour and warmth. Dread became anticipation. Emptiness became contentment. Baekhyun’s presence fueled a flame that Jongdae had snuffed years ago. With him, Jongdae didn’t think about school. He didn’t think about his family or the expectations. Just him. For once he felt… content.

Ha. Isn’t that a sight? 

Ever since their meeting, Baekhyun had joined him for lunch every day. After a while, it became obvious that the “there were no other seats” reasoning was just an excuse to sit by him. Baekhyun did not even ask to join before plopping his on the seat across from Jongdae. The thought of which fluttered Jongdae’s insides. Someone other than his brother actually wanted to spend time with him.

(And no, his suitors didn’t count.)

As expected, their initial meetings were awkward. Jongdae’s lack of human interaction definitely showed through his inability to maintain a basic conversation with the other omega. (Who asks about a stranger's heat cycles?) Can someone sound more stilted? In all honesty, Jongdae didn’t know what motivated Baekhyun to keep trying, to keep pushing; but whatever it was, it never ran out. 

Two and a half months later, he was still here. 

Lunch started like normal. As usual, Jongdae headed for the back table, lunch tray in hand, and situated himself. Ready to enjoy his meal, he noticed a flash of caramel from the corner of his eye. 


Jongdae ignored his ever-increasing heartbeat. 

“You won’t believe the day I had today,” the brunet moaned, setting himself in the seat in front of the fellow omega. Baekhyun didn’t even have the energy to take off his backpack before face-planting on the table with a sigh. That cannot be sanitary. At least he had the decency to place his food tray away from his face. 

Jongdae let the other sigh his woes away as he wiped his utensils. A moment later, he said, “Hello to you too.” 

At that, Baekhyun lifted his face from the table to stick his tongue out at his friend before taking off his backpack. Real mature. Even though he had a full tray of food in front of him, Baekhyun moved to steal a piece of fruit (of course it was a strawberry) from Jongdae’s plate. As usual, Jongdae let him. 

“You were saying?” Jongdae questioned as they settled into a familiar routine. The clinking of utensils filled the air. 

Suddenly, Baekhyun paused. His gaze lowered as he started playing with his food. “So… Eomeoni called me today.” 

Oh. Baekhyun’s alpha parent. The same parent that forced the brunet to transfer this late in the year. The same parent that Baekhyun always grimaced at the mention of. That couldn’t be good. Jongdae silently piled more strawberries on Baekhyun’s plate. 

Baekhyun slightly smiled at the gesture, before continuing. “She said that I had to start ‘thinking about my future’ and take my courtship with Chanyeol more seriously.” He took a bite of a strawberry. “Never mind that he's… well, Chanyeol, I’m only seventeen for Christ’s sake.” 

Park Chanyeol. A nice alpha that Jongdae only knew by reputation (and Baekhyun’s ramblings). He was the heir of an important software company based in South Korea; and most importantly, Baekhyun’s only suitor. His intended. 

The thought curled Jongdae’s stomach.

Pushing down any feelings of discomfort, Jongdae asked, “Is he that bad? I thought you said he was decent.” And someone worthy of your attention. 

“He isn’t bad,” Baekhyun confirmed. “He’s nice enough. Doesn’t want me for a breeding machine, at least.” He cracked a smile to himself. For a moment, he halted his strawberry feast to glance at the groups of people around them. “It’s just…” 

Jongdae didn’t need to hear the rest to understand, but he continued to listen. After a while, Baekhyun carefully said, “He’s not a bad guy, Dae.” He paused once again. “But I wish he wasn’t my only option.” Jongdae didn’t know if he was seeing things, but he swore that the brunet stole a solemn glance towards him when he uttered that last phrase. 

But that couldn’t be. 


Before he could mull it over, Baekhyun changed the subject. Of course, that was understandable. While Jongdae expected him to start talking about the most recent news regarding his interests—Jongdae did not anticipate finding out that Baekhyun was a space nerd of all people—the question that the brunet eventually asked certainly surprised him. 

“What about you?” 

Jongdae choked. “What?” 

Baekhyun passed a bottle of water to the struggling omega. “Have a secret beau stuffed away somewhere?” 

Jongdae graciously took the bottle. As he settled his cough, he pondered. Realistically, he was already spoken for. It was just a matter of choosing the right alpha or beta. His parents already arranged three potential candidates. However, his heart tugged at that answer. Instead, the image of a certain brunet danced in his mind like a flickering spark. 

A familiar heat rushed to Jongdae’s cheeks.





He pushed away all of his unwanted and unappreciated thoughts to answer, "My father has some people lined up but I haven’t decided yet.” What the hell was he thinking? Unless Baekhyun suddenly lost his womb, he was off-limits. His parents wouldn’t accept it. But… 

Baekhyun hummed in acknowledgement. He turned to face the other directly. “Do any of them tickle your fancy?” While his tone was light, his eyes spoke of intent, curiosity, and… anticipation?  

Jongdae knew that he had to pick one eventually. As much as Minseok could stall at home, there was only so much time he could buy. However… “Honestly, no.” But it’s not like I have a choice, Jongdae bitterly thought. 

“Well, I guess our love lives just then. 0/10 would not recommend IGN.” He dramatically sighed. Pretending to swoon, he joked, “Maybe one day I’ll be swept off my feet and carried into the sunset by my soulmate.” 

As quickly as it came, the sombre atmosphere disappeared. Jongdae let out a light chuckle that could have passed for a cough. But damn, he couldn’t hide the smile that followed. 

Soulmates? In their lifestyle? Hilarious. 

(As if fate would be so kind as to give Kim Jongdae the Faulty Omega a soulmate as perfect as the Byun Baekhyun.) 

Just as Baekhyun was about to comment again, the brunet suddenly started to cough, hard. To the point that Jongdae was concerned that he would soon see a hacked-up lung on the lunch table.

“Are you—” 

Baekhyun waved off the concern, keeping a hand to cover his nose and mouth with his uniform blazer. Taking some time to collect himself, Baekhyun finally replied with a muffled “I’m fine.” He then uncovered his face to take a swig from his water bottle. “Damn, I don’t understand why we stay here. I mean, yeah, the place normally reeks of unbridled teenage lust but ooh it is strong right now.” 

Jongdae hummed. Scents. Something Jongdae will never understand or experience. Having been born with a condition that prevented him from detecting different pheromones, Jongdae’s world was muted with scents of detergent and nature rather than the thick aromas of alphas, betas, and omegas. Yes, he had scent glands. But he didn’t develop the olfactory senses necessary to pick up anything. On the bright side, he was oblivious to the overpowering smell of and arousal. Unlike poor little Baekhyun here. 

“You learn to ignore it,” Jongdae countered nonchalantly, “Besides, I’m not a ert so…” 

Baekhyun’s face reddened in embarrassment. “IT WAS ONE TIME. I DIDN’T MEAN TO WALK IN.” 

“You were the one that followed someone’s scent trail to the dumpster weren’t you?” 

“One. Time.” 

As Jongdae lost himself to the laughter, he found himself being content in moments like this. Those moments soon became many. Before he knew it, it became unnatural to see Jongdae without the excitable brunet by his side. However, as much as Jongdae enjoyed Baekhyun’s company, he couldn’t help but feel as though something was missing. Why couldn’t he be satisfied with their friendship? Their wholesome friendship? It made little sense. Then again, most things involving Baekhyun made little sense. 



Sun, Dec 2, 11:23
(From: 민형) Call me when you get this. 11:23
(From: 민형) It’s important. 11:24
(From: 민형) I’m sorry. 11:46
Read 12:32 




Search: Minseok



message   call   video call





In retrospect, Jongdae had no reason to be worried, but his racing heart and sweaty palms refused to comply. He paced in front of his mirror every so often to scrutinize his reflection, finding an excuse to adjust his buttons for the fifth time. He was so glad that his roommate was not there. She wouldn’t understand. 

Jongdae only agreed to go to the planetarium with his best friend that evening. It was a rare opportunity in which they were both free, the latter more often than not spending his off-time… romancing his beau. Honestly, Jongdae expected Baekhyun to ask Chanyeol. The other omega bombarded him with texts about the new Mars Rover exhibit for weeks now, even consulting his friend if it was a cool date idea from the other's perspective. To Jongdae's surprise, however, the brunet asked the former to accompany him, practically vibrating in excitement. Jongdae knew that the brunet had other friends besides himself, mainly from the Hapkido club, but Baekhyun personally sought out him. He didn’t have it in his heart to say no. How could he say no to those large, doe-like brown eyes, to those pouty lips? Besides, it was a welcome excuse to relax before winter finals. Eww. Finals. 

Now, it was only a friendly outing with a friendly friend, but why did his heart threaten to jump out of his chest? 

He slapped both of his hands on his cheeks, squishing his face between his palms. “Calm down. It’s just Baekhyun,” he reassured himself, “It’s not like it’s a date.” 

A date.

Sweaty palms. Racing heart. Perfect appearance. Baekhyun and him. Alone. 

“It’s not a date!” He slapped his cheeks again, frustrated with his trailing mind. Jongdae, he has a boyfriend!!! He shifted his gaze to his reflection and glared, his gaze honing in on the flush of his cheeks. “Stop it. He’s just a guy with an innocent request to go out. Calm down.” A very much-taken guy!!!

A knock on the door halted his train of thought. 

Oh god. He’s here already. 

Taking a deep breath, Jongdae walked toward the door. Upon opening it, he resisted the urge to gawk. At this point, Jongdae was convinced that Baekhyun was not human. He looked far too adorable in his partially zipped space jacket—damn what a nerd—and jeans. Adorable in a typical omega fashion, of course. 

(Park Chanyeol was ing lucky to have this man for the rest of his life-)

“Are you ready to go?” 


Jongdae tried not to think too deeply when Baekhyun wordlessly laced their hands together as they walked to the metro station. He also tried to not think too deeply when Baekhyun rested his head and nuzzled into Jongdae’s shoulder during the train ride. He definitely tried not to think too deeply when he recognized the all-familiar heat rushing to his cheeks, thanking the heavens for the empty train chair. He knew logically that Baekhyun was naturally a more touchy person. He never seemed to understand the difference between the touches he gave to his friends like Jongdae versus the closeness he shared with Chanyeol. Yet, despite that, the skinship they shared never failed to flutter Jongdae’s heart, traitorously warming his chest. 

The evening dragged on and Jongdae found himself in pure bliss. He didn’t know what to expect when he heard that they were going to a planetarium, but being there with Baekhyun and seeing him ramble on as they explored the Mars exhibit, bantering together when he wasn’t, exceeded any expectation. Afterwards, they filtered through the rest of the planetarium, the elder, of course, taking the lead. Paying no heed to the looks other people gave them, Jongdae followed Baekhyun as he listened to each tidbit and factoid being shared with an indulgent smile. 

Toward the end of the visit, Baekhyun led him to an open terrace outside the exhibit; which Jongdae thought was one hundred percent not accessible to the general public. They stopped by the railing, taking a moment to stare at the night sky above. 

It was then that Jongdae remembered that their hands were still laced together.

“Isn’t the sky just beautiful at night?” Baekhyun used his unoccupied hand to point to the faraway lights. “It’s amazing to think that each light we’re seeing took years upon years to travel here.” 

Jongdae hummed in agreement. 

“You can’t see much from the dorm windows, but sometimes I look at the sky for hours. You don’t feel as alone. Just watching…” Baekhyun trailed. 

“Is that why you failed the math test last week?” Jongdae gently teased. “You stared at the stars for hours instead of studying?” 

The brunet lightly shoved the other omega. “I’ll have you know that the stars are far more interesting than frequency tables and plot distributions.” 

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew. Cursing himself for not bringing a jacket, Jongdae shivered. Noticing the other’s discomfort, Baekhyun asked worryingly, “Are you cold? I can give you my jacket.” 

“I-I’m fine, Baek,” Jongdae reassured. He let go of Baekhyun’s hand to rub his arms. “It’s just a little chilly out here.” 

Dark eyes squinted in suspicion, the brunet replied, “I don’t believe you.” Ignoring Jongdae’s protests, he ped his jacket and wrapped it on the former’s shoulders. “There.” 


“No buts. Now arms through the sleeves.” Seeing the hesitation in the other’s eyes, Baekhyun soothed, “It’s fine, Dae. You need it more than me right now.” 

Slowly but surely, Jongdae pushed his arms through the sleeves before zipping up. His nose brushed against the inner collar as he picked up hints of soap and Baekhyun's strawberry shampoo. (He imagined if the other smelled as sweet as he expected, as rich as the caramel he had come to associate with him.) The jacket was roughly Jongdae’s size, seeing as they were basically the same height, with slightly longer sleeves than what he was used to. The most notable difference was the sheer warmth the jacket emanated, the cold air becoming non-existent. 

“Happy now?” Jongdae did a little twirl. 

A smile graced the brunet’s lips. “Yes.” 

Halting his twirl, Jongdae asked, “Are you sure you’ll be fine?” Are you sure your mate will be fine with this? Even if Jongdae is an omega, would Chanyeol be jealous? Would he see him as competition? 

“I’m sure,” Baekhyun confirmed, “If I’m cold, I’ll just use you as a personal heater.” At that, the brunet chuckled and winked. 

For the nth time that night, Jongdae’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment. 

They continued to stand in silence as they admired each constellation, galaxy, and planet above. They basked in the shine of swirling colours and twinkling lights. True to his word, Baekhyun leaned against Jongdae’s side when another gust of wind blew out of nowhere. Hesitantly, he hugged the latter’s arms, tightening his grip when Jongdae leaned into his touch as well. 

After a while, Baekhyun rested his head on the other omega’s shoulder. His voice slightly raspy from tiredness, he whispered, “Thank you for coming with me.” 

His voice barely above a whisper, Jongdae replied, “Thank you for taking me.” 

For that one moment, Jongdae paid no heed to the arguments in his head and relaxed to the omega’s touch. For once, he closed his eyes and focused on the warmth emanating from his side. For once, he’ll ignore the fact that they were both young omegas with determined futures. For once, he’ll pretend that he’s enveloped with the other’s soothing scent. For once, he’ll think he was living a normal life. He’ll deal with his problems tomorrow. For now, he’ll stay like this. 

He ignored the gentle wetness on his face just as he ignored the forming damp pools of fabric on his shoulder. 

That night, after parting their ways, Jongdae stayed up to look at the stars, still snuggled in the space jacket. 



Sat, Dec 8, 23:43 
You are typing… 
You are typing… 
You are typing… 
You are typing…



Jongdae had a dilemma. After the planetarium visit—he refused to call it a date. It can't be a date if the other is committed—Jongdae had a nagging feeling that would not go away. His mind would occasionally drift to images of Baekhyun’s head on his shoulder or the comforting warmth of his hands. He knew that it was an omega thing to be touchy with others, but he couldn’t help but want to think that it was more meaningful than that. 

What the hell was wrong with him? 

(Baekhyun was taken.)

He wanted to think that he was not losing his mind. He wanted to think that this was normal between friends. 

(Baekhyun was taken!) 

They. Were. Just. Friends. Close friends that happened to be rather intimate and touchy. Right? 

Jongdae was an omega without a doubt, albeit a defective one. He was too brash, too withdrawn, too loud, too quiet, too much or not enough. While Baekhyun was the perfect embodiment of an omega physically and socially. From his wonderful sense of humour to his protective tendencies, Baekhyun was the perfect friend and had the potential to be a perfect lover (Lucky Chanyeol). He accepted that they were on opposite ends of the spectrum. 

Despite this, Baekhyun found a friend in Jongdae. A friendship that the latter held oh so dear. 



Why was it so difficult to be satisfied with that? Why did he still feel an emptiness in his heart? 

Was it jealousy? 

It’s not like there is much to be jealous of. They will both be married off to people for the benefit of their parents. 

Was it loneliness? 

Again, he had a friendship with Baekhyun. He had his brother. 

What was missing? 

He knew why. 

He kept reminding himself that they were friends and only friends. But being friends shouldn’t elicit this much confusion and questioning. Conflicted, Jongdae didn’t know what to feel.  




In other words...

KJD: This is my best friend. My best bud. We are 100% the bestest of besties. Right, Baek???
BBH: *has been scenting kjd for months now* *has gushed to pcy about how he found his soulmate* *has planned their future wedding and is wondering if it was feasible to have corgis be the ringbearers and the flower girls* yep...
Everyone else: ...

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