
Rooftop Revelations (One-Shot)
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In a small town, Joochan harbored a secret, hidden behind his warm smiles. He couldn't deny the butterflies that fluttered whenever he was around his best friend, Han Jisung. Little did Joochan know, his discreet feelings were about to set the stage for a beautiful tale of self-discovery and love.

Under the gentle sunlight on the school rooftop, Joochan nervously unveiled the lunch he had prepared. Jisung's eyes lit up with genuine curiosity, "Wow, that looks amazing! Did you make it yourself?" 

With a shy smile, Joochan nodded, "Yeah, thought I'd give cooking a try." As they settled down to eat, the atmosphere was filled with laughter and easy conversation. Joochan cherished these moments, savoring the closeness with Jisung, even if it was just as friends – for now.

Their friendship deepened with each shared meal, and Joochan found solace in the stolen glances and lingering smiles exchanged between them. Little did Joochan know that his heart, once discreetly yearning, was on the brink of revealing a truth that could change everything.

Jisung's eyes widened in delight as he took a playful bite of the hotdog octopus, savoring the flavors. "This is seriously amazing, Joochan! You've got some hidden culinary talents," he exclaimed, a twinkle of appreciation in his eyes.

Joochan, cheeks tinted with a rosy hue, shyly responded, "Thanks, Jisung. I'm glad you like it." The warmth of their shared laughter enveloped them, creating an atmosphere where unspoken emotions hung in the air like the delicate scent of cherry blossoms.

As they continued their lunch, Jisung couldn't resist teasingly reaching for yet another hotdog octopus. Joochan, though slightly flustered, couldn't help but giggle. "You're practically eating my whole lunch! Feel free to take more," he said with a playful wink.

Jisung grinned, "Well, if it's that good, I might just have to." Their easy banter and shared bites created a lighthearted dance, concealing the underlying feelings that were slowly blooming. Little did they know, each shared lunch on the rooftop was becoming a chapter in their own enchanting love story.


The neon lights of the arcade illuminated the excitement on Jisung's face as he effortlessly conquered various games. Joochan, admiring his best friend's skills, couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if circumstances were different. Silently, he wished for a moment to confess the feelings that lingered beneath the surface.

As Jisung noticed Joochan's thoughtful gaze, he grinned and suggested, "Hey, let's play a round of basketball! What do you say?" Joochan, snapping back to the present moment, couldn't resist the opportunity to engage in some friendly competition.

They approached the basketball game, and Jisung effortlessly sunk the first shot. Joochan, determined not to be outdone, focused on his aim. The rhythmic sound of the bouncing ball echoed in the arcade as they laughed and competed, the playful energy between them creating a magnetic pull that neither could deny. Little did they know, amidst the flashing lights and spirited laughter, a subtle romance was unfolding—one arcade game at a time.

Inside the cozy ice cream parlor, Jisung turned to Joochan with a grin, "What flavor are you getting?" Joochan, feeling a bit daring, replied, "I think I'll go for mint." Jisung's eyes widened in mock surprise, "Mint? Really?" He chuckled, giving Joochan a playful look as if questioning his taste.

Unfazed, Joochan smiled back, "Yeah, I like the refreshing taste." Ignoring the teasing, he confidently placed his order. To Jisung's surprise, he decided to join in on the adventure, saying, "Well, if you're getting mint, I'll have one too."

As they enjoyed their unconventional ice cream choices, the shared laughter and exchanged glances hinted at a sweetness beyond the flavors they chose. In that small ice cream parlor, amidst the delightful chaos of their contrasting preferences, the subtle magic of their growing connection continued to unfold.

Mid-bite, Jisung, with a casual tone, asked Joochan, "Hey, are you seeing someone these days?" Joochan, caught off guard, blushed and turned away, shaking his head. When Joochan met Jisung's gaze and shyly inquired, "How about you?" his heart sank as Jisung nodded affirmatively.

Feigning a cheerful smile, Joochan masked the subtle ache, raising his cone in a toast, "Well, cheers to us and our single adventures, right?" In that moment, beneath the facade of laughter, unspoken emotions lingered, creating a bittersweet undertone in their shared ice cream experience.

Summoning a hint of courage, Joochan gathered himself and asked, "So, who's the lucky person you're seeing?" There was a brief pause, and Jisung's gaze softened as he replied, "It's someone from our class, Yena. We've been hanging out a lot lately."

Joochan, though disappointed, managed a supportive smile, "That's great, Jisung. I hope you two are happy together." Deep down, his heart yearned for something more, but he hid it behind a facade of friendship and encouragement, determined not to let his true feelings show.


In the quiet sanctuary of his room, Joochan allowed the floodgates of his emotions to burst open. Sinking onto his bed, he felt the stinging warmth of tears tracing down his cheeks. The weight of being a gay individual in a world that often felt unaccepting bore down on him, leaving him vulnerable to the ache of unspoken desires.

As he clutched his pillow, Joochan's mind swirled with questions and doubts. He couldn't escape the feeling that being true to himself came with a price, one that seemed too heavy to bear at times. The vulnerability of his emotions clashed with the harsh reality that, in his eyes, being gay left him on the fringes of acceptance.

A fleeting thought tiptoed into his consciousness — the wish for change. If only he could transform into a girl, perhaps the world would open its arms to him, and the person he admired would see him differently. It was a wistful daydream that momentarily provided solace amidst the sea of turmoil.

Hugging his pillow tighter, Joochan grappled with the complexity of his emotions. The silent sobs echoed the longing for a world where acceptance and love transcended societal expectations. In that vulnerable moment, he pondered the societal expectations that dictated his worth, wondering if the world could evolve to embrace diversity and love beyond boundaries.

Little did he know that this poignant moment of reflection would eventually propel him towards a journey of self-discovery and embracing his true identity. As the tears dried and a quiet resolve settled within him, Joochan began to envision a future where authenticity trumped societal norms — a future where he could be true to himself and find acceptance not only from others but also within the depths of his own soul.

The next morning, as Joochan navigated through the familiar hallways of the school, he caught a glimpse of Jisung and Yena sharing an affectionate hug inside the classroom. The sight hit him with a pang of bittersweet emotions. The cheers of classmates, celebrating the newfound connection, echoed in the room.

Joochan, though genuinely happy for his friend, couldn't shake the twinge of heartache that accompanied witnessing their joyous moment. The contrast between their love story and his silent struggles added a layer of complexity to the already intricate tapestry of emotions woven within him. He forced a smile, concealing the inner turmoil, and took his seat, wondering if he would ever find his place in a world that seemed to cheer for love that matched conventional expectations.

Feeling the need to unburden his thoughts, Joochan decided to retreat to the familiar solace of the school rooftop. As he climbed the stairs, he rehearsed how to articulate his feelings, determined to share his truth with someone who might understand.

On the rooftop, the gentle breeze provided a comforting backdrop as Joochan began to open up. He spoke about the intricacies of being a gay individual in a society that sometimes felt unwelcoming. He poured out his struggles, the yearning for acceptance, and the longing for a love story that transcended societal norms.

His words hung in the air, carried away by the wind, and for a moment, he felt a weight lifted off his shoulders. In the vulnerability of that rooftop confession, Joochan started to carve a space for his true self, hoping that by sharing his story, he could pave the way for understanding and acceptance. Little did he know, this act of courage would be the first step toward building a bridge between his authentic self and the world around him.


Jisung's eyes caught a glimpse of Joochan standing at the classroom door, his expression a fleeting mix of emotions. As he hugged Yena, a pang of concern struck him when he noticed Joochan abruptly turning away and leaving the scene.

Excusing himself from Yena's embrace, Jisung felt an unspoken urgency to follow Joochan. He couldn't ignore the hint of distress in Joochan's actions and decided to seek him out, leaving behind the cheers and celebration in the classroom. Little did he know, this moment would lead to a crucial intersection in their friendship, setting the stage for understanding and compassion.

The rooftop, once a haven for shared laughter, now held an air of tense quietude as Jisung found Joochan standing on the precipice of emotions. The distant hum of the school below seemed muffled in comparison to the unspoken tension that hung between them.

Jisung took a tentative step closer, his voice breaking the silence lik

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Please excuse any errors in my writing. I will surely correct them once I get to my laptop. Thank you!


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such a good story!!!
Chapter 1: It was refreshing to see Joochan go through a different route and not get together with his crush Jisung.

Jisung might feel hurt but he is the one who decided to avoid Joochan.At least he knows that Jisung had feelings for him.

Also Minho is a great supporter and friend. He doesn't judge and gives blunt but honest advice.

This would make an interesting full length story but it depends on you, author.
Congratulations on the bid