
The Fugitives
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08 | Proposal




"Chug! Chug! Chug!" 


Everyone is cheering him as he drinks the big glass of strawberry juice as a punishment for their game. "Hell yeeaaah!!!" He cheered while waving the glass above as soon as he finished it and proudly place it back on the coffee table. 


The game resumes again but he heard his phone ring. "Excuse me." Which made him excuse himself and answer the phone call. "Donna-ssi. Where are you?" He chuckled, glancing back at his friends.


[I don't think I can continue the game. I need to leave before ten.]


"Omo, don't leave me out here. Wait for me."


[I'm just in the gate.]


"Okay." Ending the call, Taeyeon returned to the living room. "I'm sorry guys but I guess that's it for me. You know it's getting late."


"That's okay, see you soon, Tae!" Jihoon said flashing him an assuring smile.


"Sejeong-ah! Happy Birthday again, little girl! Oppa has to leave early." He approaches the young girl from the sofa and the latter hugs him.


"Oppa, thank you. I had so much fun with your girlfriend." Sejeong smiled cutely.


"What? Who says she is?" he couldn't help and ruffle her hair gently. "She's a friend. See you again." He added and leaned down to kiss her forehead.


"Wait." Sejeong suddenly runs upstairs and returned with a snowball. "Give this to Donna Unnie." 


"You're such a sweetheart, Sejeong." Taeyeon caressed her face briefly then he wave his hand a little as he walked out of their house. 




"Where do you want to go next?" 


Tiffany looked at Taeyeon in surprise. "What are you saying? I'm going home."


"No, not yet. Since you made my night and my Sejeong's night, I'm going to bring you somewhere you want." Taeyeon flashes his charming smile as he handed the snowball to the woman next to him.


Tiffany scoffed but the snowball of a young girl somehow changed her mind. "Did Sejeong give this?" She asked as she took it. She smiled genuinely to the gift. "It's her birthday but she gives me something. What a sweet girl."


"I know right? So, I'm treating you somewhere." 


"You know I don't know this city well."


"Oh yeah. How about in a famous district? It's famous for our street food."


"I don't mind." Tiffany shrugged her shoulders, smiling brightly in the process.


"Let's go to Myeondong please, Mr. Choi." He ordered Taeyeon and his driver nodded to confirm. 




It was almost midnight when Seohyun woke up and found Jessica walking back and forth before her eyes. She realized she was in Jessica's bedroom and fell asleep watching a tv series.


"Unnie, aren't you sleepy?" she pulled herself up and let out a huge yawn.


Jessica stopped immediately. "Your sister, she hasn't returned home, Seohyun! What the heck is she doing?" She raises her voice in annoyance. 


"Didn't she tell us she's with Taeyeon-ssi?"


"Yes but it's almost midnight, I don't think a kid's party is still going on right now. She's not even replying to my text or answering my calls."


Seohyun giggles. "Relax. She'll be fine." she finds it funny and adorable.


"Aish, she's not familiar with this country, how am I going to relax?" Jessica stomped her feet as she approach the bed and take her seat. "She's forgetting she has friends, doesn't she?"


"You get too used to looking after us, aren't you, Unnie?" Seohyun laid down and used the older girl's lap as a pillow. 


Sighing, Jessica smiled and gently comb the younger girl's hair. "You know you guys are my family already. I won't really forgive myself if something bad happens to any of us." 


"That's why I like you immediately the moment you joined us, Unnie." shares Seohyun as she closes her eyes and enjoys the flattering of her hair. It's making her sleep again.


"I just hope Tiffany won't be drunk. You know, she could share a lot of stuff, especially her previous work. It will be hard to save her." 


"Don't worry, she won't be stupid to drink." Seohyun confidently assures. 


Smiling at the younger, Jessica stopped her hair and flick her forehead. 


"Ouch. Why would you do that?" Seohyun looked at her in disbelief.


"You should go back to your bedroom. I'll wait for TIffany until she returns." 


"Nope, I'm waiting too."


"Are you willing to stay up late?" Jessica dared seriously.


Sitting up, Seohyun nodded. "As if I've never experienced waiting for so many hours while you and Tiffany Unnie are out there, stealing money." she reminded earning a chuckle from the older.


"Fine, I'll make some chocolate drink." Jessica couldn't argue and she left the younger casually.


Seohyun the tv and resumed watching the series they binge. Unfortunately a few minutes later into the episode, she started getting sleepy, and eventually, she fell asleep.


"What the." Jessica returned a few moments later just to see the younger sleeping. "Aish." she wanted to pour the drink so much but end up drinking her share and her own drink. 


"I should just sleep too. Tiffany's going to explain it later either way." Later she joined Seohyun on the bed peacefully.  




"So, spill it." Jessica demanded the moment she took her seat across from Tiffany at their breakfast meal. 


"Aigoo, I knew you would do this." Tiffany wasn't surprised at all. She always know the latter would ask explanation when she returns home late. She took her phone from the side of the table instead and handed it to the latter.


Jessica raise her eyebrows when she was greeted by photos of Taeyeon and Tiffany on their date. "Whoa, after the birthday party you guys went out for a date?" she looked at her in disbelief.


"Yup. And it was like the most beautiful thing that happened to me. Well, besides the street foods that I just have for the first time, Taeyeon was such a friendly and sweet guy." said Tiffany dreamily. She could still remember what happened that she couldn't get over with it. They had lots of fun eating street foods, and taking photos with the beautiful fountain and they were like kids playing arcade games. The memories were captured in her phone and she won't ever trade it for any. 


"The smile... I could see it." Jessica is agape. Her friend has totally fallen with Taeyeon. "Good for you." she's happy, however. It's the thing she ever wanted to see for her.


"But don't you worry, I know what I'm doing." Tiffany assuredly says, taking a bite of her hotdog and sipping on her coffee.


"You guys didn't drink, right?"


"Of course. Taeyeon, he doesn't like drinking alcohol you know... I mean, he's a coffee lover for a reason." She giggles. 


Jessica chuckled softly. "Right."


"Anyway, where's Seohyun? Why didn't I hear her voice everywhere?"


"She accepted an early part-time job, so whether she likes it or not, she needs to leave early too."


Tiffany nodded slowly. "I see."


Jessica couldn't help and smile giddily as she continue to browse the photos of Taeyeon and her friend. They look cute and funny at the same time with all the random photos they took together. "I wonder how much street food you guys have eaten?"


"Actually the whole store, he bought it." Tiffany shrugged her shoulders.


"What? Is he crazy?"


"I know right? But he said it was just one time he eats street food so he wanted to buy everything and eat them. I thought he was going to vomit all of it but he was a good eater, ridiculously."


"What the, he's totally different from Yuri." Jessica couldn't help but compare. 


"Yuri is I think a bit of a serious guy while Taeyeon is adventurous. Yoona, he's like Tae too but looks arrogant sometimes. And I don't know but he's childish I think. Well, he's the maknae."


"Exactly! Yuri is composed which I find cool." 


Tiffany laughs. "Really? I find Taeyeon cool too with how he does stuff randomly." 


"They are really different from each other." Jessica said, giving her friend's phone back. "And speaking of Yuri, he texted me about meeting today."


"Did you reply?" asked Tiffany instantly.


"Of course." A big proud smile plastered Jessica's face. 


"Hell yeah! That's my girl!" And Tiffany immediately raised her hand as she meets her friend's hand with a hi-5. 




It was almost nine when Yuri finally made his way out of his bedroom, wearing his usual blue suit and blue necktie. He's been in a good mood ever since he read Jessica's response. But when he reached the living room, his butler give him the bad news.


"Your father, he's in the garden, Mr. Chairman. He wants to have breakfast with you before you go."


"He's alone?" He wonders since his mother would always be with him.


"Yes, Mr. Chairman." The butler ushered him and he complied.


His mother immediately smiled the moment he saw him. "There you go. Looking good my son." He chuckled afterward.


"Aigoo, what is it this time?" He takes his seat across from him as his butler the chair for him.


"What? You don't greet your father like that. I'm just missing having breakfast with you. I mean, it's been weeks since I've last seen you." Mr. Kwon said as he put dumplings next to his son's bowl. 


Yuri raises his eyebrows. "You are not here to ask me something, aren't you?"


"Why do you always think like that?" 


"I mean, you and mom always do that, telling me to get engaged already." 


Mr. Kwon chuckled. "I'm done with that. I know it's not easy for you to date right now. You're a busy man after you took the position. You must be always exhausted." he said as he casually took a bite of his food.


Yuri is stunned to hear it. 'Just when did he care for me? He was the one who brought me to this position.' He thought yet finds it odd.


"Listen, I've got this invitation to an event in America, I was wondering if you can join me." 


"I knew it." He scoffed in disbelief. "No, I'm not going with you."


Mr. Kwon took the invitation card from his pocket and push it gently close to his son. "You're going to love it. You've been longing to see the paintings you can only see in books, right? Well, this is it."


"You already know I'm a busy man, how am I going to go there? I'll go there if I have time." Yuri declined firmly. He knew his father will only just introduce him to some women there. Worse, he will immediately force him to marry the woman he likes for him. He's old though and he understands why he's doing it. He's the only son and they're looking forward to seeing their grandson before they die. 


"Tsk, It's just one day in America."


"But you may have other plans."


Mr. Kwon chuckled in disbelief. "You know me best. Anyway, how are you doing? I've heard Yoona was cast in a reality show."


"I was the one that recommend him to the show." Yuri shared as he took a sip of the glass of water.


"What? Why didn't you take it? So the rumors about you being gay are true?"


"What the, where did that rumor come from? I told you, I just have no time for that stuff anymore."


Mr. Kwon rolled his eyes in annoyance. "This is why no woman is befriending you. You don't like them."


"I still do, Mr. Kwon. Why would I have a late daughter if I am?" Yuri laughs when he heard it. "I think you don't know I have lots of friends." He proudly says even though he only has Taeyeon and Yoona.


"Yeah, Yoona and Taeyeon are not girls." Mr. Kwon knew well which made his son speechless. "Come on, getting engaged right away with a woman is not a bad thing. It's a-"


"So you just really said your real reason for coming here." 


"Well, Uh... I mean, I can't talk about business when I know it's doing good, and also... you don't want to go with me to this auction event. What else should we talk about?"


"How about your health? Are you doing well?" Yuri asks softly. His father has diabetes and goes to the hospital often.


Mr. Kwon sighs as he put his utensils down and look at his son. "I'm doing good, son. I'm taking meds every day and going to the hospital once a week. So you don't have to worry. You worry yourself rather, you haven't gotten yourself a woman after you broke up with your previous."


"Why is it a problem if I'm not dating for... few years?"


"No, five years in three months. You know your college friends have gotten married already and yet here you are-"


"I told you..." Yuri stopped when he heard his phone ring inside the pocket of his jacket. As he took it out, Rose's contact ID flashes on the screen.


"It's not for us, it's for you only. We're thinking you might forget you're getting old... and time doesn't stop. It only does once it's your time to leave this planet. So please, get yourself a woman, okay? I won't mind whoever it is, as long as you get yourself your own family as well. It's the best thing that happened to me, don't you know that? Although I and your mother aren't living in the same house now having you in my life is the best gift I have ever received and I want you to experience it as well." Mr. Kwon ended it with a warm smile as he looked into his son's eyes intently.


Yuri smiled back genuinely. He felt the sincerity of his father's words and he suddenly had an idea. "Um, Dad, I actually have a friend... a girl... friend. You know, and she interests me. So-"


"Chincha? Who is this?" Mr. Kwon got excited in an instant.


"Her name is Park Rose... and she just recently returned from America." Yuri didn't think twice and shared after he texted Rose 'I'll call you back'. "You see, if... one day I'll date her will you accept?"


"Of course. As long as you're happy, son. When will you introduce her to us?"


He laughs in amusement. "You're too excited for that. I'm just getting to know her first. But... glad to hear this from you." 


"Well, I wish you date her the soonest." Mr. Kwon flashes his brightest smile. 


"Yeah, I hope so." Yuri shrugged his shoulders as his cheeks are blushing. The kind of support from his father is flattering him. He loves it. 




Bowing a couple of times, Seohyun finally stepped out of the pastry store where she was hired as a cashier until 12 noon only. She got her payment and now she's looking into a new part-time job through the app on her phone. She's having fun besides earning not as much as they break into a bank. 


'Remember, we have to save so we can pay for the monthly electric and water bill and we can do grocery every week and eat our favorite foods.'


She was reminded by Jessica's words last night and she's definitely keeping a note. After buying their cars, the remaining money they have are not enough for the next couple of months. Part-time jobs are helping them somehow to earn and save. 


"Living in this country is harder than living in New York." She said as she put her phone back into her messenger bag.  


When she reached the bus stop, she took a seat and waited for the bus to come. She had been studying routes for bus stops based on the destination she's going and so far she's doing well. Although earlier, she almost didn't find the pastry store in time.


Suddenly a group of high school students came to the bus stop. All of them are smoking and have thick makeup. 


'I didn't know this also exists in this country.' She scoffed at the similarities. 


"Hi, Unnie, do you have some lighter?" One of them approaches her.


"Nope, I don't smoke." She replied and smile briefly.


"Oh, you must be a boring person." The girl chuckled and her friends laugh at her remark.


Seohyun just rolled her eyes and doesn't want to scold them. Otherwise, she might get in trouble. 


"Yah, what's wrong with you?" However, the taller girl saw her reaction and approach her.


"Nothing." She flashed a friendly smile.


"I didn't like those rolling of eyes, Miss." The girl raise her hand and sway her hand to slap her but she saw it coming and dodge it. "What the." 


Seohyun hastily gets up and dodges her attack again expertly. "I'm sorry but you need to calm down." she warned her. 


"Aish." The girl grabs her hair but she hastily kicks her legs, dropping her to the floor with a grunt. 


"Oops. Didn't I warn you?" She smiled sarcastically at her. "Omo." But she has to immediately run inside the bus as the other girls attacked her. The door closes in front of them. "Thanks, Ahjussi." she thanked the driver before she look for her seat. She stuck her tongue out to the students outside. Gladly and she couldn't hear their curses from the outside before the bus drives off.


She finally can have her peaceful drive but for the first time, alone. However, the commercial playing on the tv screen really got her attention. "Wow, that's a lot of women." she didn't count yesterday when she saw their shoot but there are 13 women in the competition and the commercial says, the winner will take h

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0 points #1
Chapter 64: That was adorable!
0 points #2
Chapter 64: cuteee , love it. yeay taeny’s baby no 2
1120 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 64: Lol Da on what will you do if Mr Butter and pumpkin answered you and told you to let them finish their dinner? 😂😂😂 You are right right Tae grandparents are more excited to see their grandchildren than their own children, Da on your grandparents already planned for your and maybe siblings future.... Aww the kids and the staffs in the orphanage will be happy that you are going to visit them again Taeny... And lol Yuri they might do as you said hahaha
0 points #4
Chapter 64: Whoa! Another baby on the way! 🐣🐣🐣
Love this Kim Family Epilogue!
Da-On's so cute during the wedding reception with Mr.Butter and Pumpkin! And his excitement while opening Lawyer Han's gift!
It was so nice of Mrs. Kim to have that party for the Kim family, especially Da-On!
And the black card she gave to Tiffany! 😲
I like what Taeyeon said about the card for Tiffany to use it for herself too, not just Da-On, because she deserved it. ❤️
Awww! They went back to Sunshine Orphanage! It's so warm, the welcome they got!
And they rebuilt the girls' house... 🥹
It was so nice fore Da-On to reunite with his friends!
Seohyun's message to Tiffany though! 🤭
Did Da-On read his Seohyun Omma's mind of sleeping with his friend? 😁
It's so funny how Tiffany's heart race because of the thought of making baby number 2! And when Taeyeon noticed it ...😁😁😁
It was so cute how Taeyeon knew about the baby! 🥹
The Kim family's dynamics is very nice! It all felt very natural!❤️
Love how detailed you write about the whole thing, the setting, the mood! 😉
Looking forward to the last installment of the epilogue! ❤️
multistory #5
Chapter 63: Am all caught up now.. epic ending look forward to the rest 😉
Chapter 63: Seohyun and Yoona are experts in sneaking out! 😁
That secret date that ended up inside the car and Yoona's persistent secretary, that he tried so hard to hide from but in the end he ended up calling to be their witness! 🤣🤣🤣
But having said those vows.. 🥹
How they chose the name to give... Very meaningful! ❤️
And also them catching Da-On eating Seohyun's choco pie despite the note Seohyun put! 😁

More epilogues?! 👀
Chapter 62: 😅
I thought Jessica would really be gone...
But it was really nice to have that silver lining!
It is so difficult to be on Jessica's position, having to witness Seohyun's pregnancy, even though she's happy for her. And add to that the stress and pressure of having a very healthy lifestyle.
It's also nice that she has her family supporting her, despite Da-On's teasing. 😁
And Seohyun and Yoona's little potato is a girl! 🎉
1120 streak #8
Chapter 62: Lol Da On naughty as always 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I really love Yuri's supportive and patience towards everything and congrats Jessica, but what you did is silly, if not for that couple then you must've run away from Yuri again
tyeam0309 #9
Chapter 63: I love this plot. Sadly it will end soon.
Chapter 63: looking forwards for the 2 last epilogues