What is karma and subs?

I found these things while I was looking at my profile. What are karma points and how can I get them and what are subs and how do I make them?
vision0w0 5 months ago
10 months ago
thank you
1 year ago
Same question and thankyou for the answers
qedcba 1 year ago
7 years ago
Thank you, only thing I still wonder is that where can I find FAQ that fusionspeaks mentioned? You all are really helpful, I hope you have a nice day c:
7 years ago
Okay, so karma pionts are actually not that useful right now but they are pretty much like money in AFF and you can spend them. But just on layouts in the market, advertising your story, and small benefits. And you earn them by coming to AFF everyday, commenting, earning subscribers, and just pretty much being active here. Subscribers are like people who subscribes to your story and are interested in them. You get them by... making your story interesting! Welcome to AFF!!
[deactivated] 7 years ago
Karma points are like a currency here. It's used to pay and get stuff, for bidding and more. You can read it in the FAQs.

You get karma either by commenting on stories or blogs (1 point), if someone upvotes your story (5 points), if someone subscribes to your story (1 point) and if, of course, someone gifts you with karma.

I hope that's helpful to you :)
[deactivated] 7 years ago
Subs are short for subscribers. These are people who subscribe to stories posted by you on AFF in order to keep updated.
7 years ago
Subscribers or subs are earned when you publish your story on here! ^^ People usually subscribe by hitting the 'subscribe' button in the foreword of your stories when they want to keep updated on the fic.
Karma points are also earned by commenting, upvoting and being gifted by them!
Hope this helped :)